Neha Kulkarni

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since Jan 13, 2010
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Recent posts by Neha Kulkarni

Does any one know how to secure cookie in servlet 2.4?

I know, i cant use this there any alternative way

9 years ago
can any one tell me what is the difference between Apache ActiveMQ and IBM MQ Series apart from open source and licensed
I came across this question in some forum sounded interesting, do any one has the answer for the it?

How would you change the memory parameters on web logic server at run time without having to restart the jvm instance.
11 years ago

Rob Prime wrote:

Neha Kulkarni wrote:please help me urgently

Please EaseUp.

I am sorry, I know m askign too much.

anyways its not home work question, neither i am student...

thanks for that info
14 years ago
Hello folks

I am doing server side debugging, there is one application which i am executing and concurrently i have applied breakpoints in javacode, when the thread stops there it goes to class file of that java file but problem is line numbers are different. what i mean is if i have put debug point on 50th line of java code then in class file it shows somwhere near 40th line

is there any wat i can correct this, will i be shown comments in class file...why there are difference of line numbers in both the files

please help me urgently

thanks appreciate your inputs
14 years ago
Hello folks

I am doing server side debugging, there is one application which i am executing and concurrently i have applied breakpoints in javacode, when the thread stops there it goes to class file of that java file but problem is line numbers are different. what i mean is if i have put debug point on 50th line of java code then in class file it shows somwhere near 40th line

is there any wat i can correct this, will i be shown comments in class file...why there are difference of line numbers in both the files

please help me urgently

thanks appreciate your inputs
14 years ago

anybody attended java skills interview in [DELETED].

14 years ago

I am planning to take SCWCD ;I need discounted voucher if anyone has please PM me.

15 years ago

Ankit Garg wrote:"Neha Java" please check your private messages for some administrative matter...

Check now

I am no longer student because according to SAI a person should have graduated in past six month can my brother buy for me he is student.

can i give exam on that coupon. Is name written on the voucher code.

Please help.

I am resident of IL,does any body know where to buy SCWCD vouchers