Harpreet Singh janda

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since Jan 14, 2010
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Recent posts by Harpreet Singh janda

Where is the question to be answered?
14 years ago
don't synchronize the methods, but synchronized block
14 years ago
Synchronizing over an object should serve the purpose. Instead of introducing a new object you can utilize the "requestToSchedule" object (User wrapper Boolean instead of boolean).

Waiting for comments from others.

14 years ago
Please add a taglib directive as

on the top of the jsp and try without "escapeXML" attribute of <c:out> tag.
14 years ago
As "Jeanne Boyarsky" had already told you don't need to create different pages.
You can have a single page and show the data depending on the key passed to the page.
And to make a page unavailable after certain time again you can have a check in the page itself and display the error page if the time limit has been expired.
14 years ago
Please use Code Tags to post the code
14 years ago
ListLibraryServlet should override the doGet method.
14 years ago
In case of Struts this setting should be in struts.xml instead of web.xml
14 years ago
If both the web applications are running on the same server than you can user the forward method to forward the request to other web app.
14 years ago
You can have a hidden field on form and have the value as per the requirement.
This hidden value will be passed to servlet as a part of header and will not b shown in url if you will use the post method
14 years ago
Please use size attribute of TD tage to define the width of data cell.
This is the package that contains the rquired class files for the servlet api.

You can google out the servlet-api.jar file or the same file can be found in lib directory of your tomcat.
14 years ago
JVM is a virtual thing that is uder JRE not a directory.
With the creation of 1 Dozens object, 2 objects will be created - 1 is Dozens object itself and secod is the the object for int array inside the Dozens object (remember that array itself is treated as an object) so

1 object at 8th line
2 at 9th line
2 at 10th line

object at 11th line is eing reassigned, so hre no object will be created but the object created at line 10 will have 2 referencs.

Now wou can count the total number of objects created.