sumi sudha

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since Jan 27, 2010
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Recent posts by sumi sudha

Can we add an element to a list while iterating the same list?
14 years ago
i just wanted to know is there a certification that we can do in JSF 2.0
14 years ago
i know hash map can accept null values and keys. can we give more than one null value or key in hashmap.
14 years ago
thanks for the reply.
14 years ago
Hi Friends,

i have to compare the vlaues that come from same resultset. how can i do it.

need to compare the arg1 values of the previous rows in the same resultset.
14 years ago
can you post the business logic method, what are you returning in the method?
14 years ago
Hi friends,

What is the difference between declaring the resource bundle in faces config and using f:loadbundle in jsf jsp page.
which is better in performance wise?


14 years ago
Hi Friends,

I had an interview sterday. interviewer asked me a question.
A person "A" books a fligth ticket form 7 steps. while he goes to the first step, he got a message saying one seat is available. he has entered from step 1 till 7 giving his credit card details and all. the question is at the same time if another person "B" with high internet speed conn is trying to book the same ticket. that should be avoided. as soon as the person "A" starts the step 1 till he completes all the steps , none of them shud be able to access the ticket. it should be bocked by the person "A".

my answer was locking the transation from step 1to step7 at the database level. is that correct.

Can any one suggest me with the proper answer.
14 years ago

I have been using JSF for the past 3 years. i am new to struts. Like in JSF we can access a bean reference to some other bean by making an entry in faces config. Do we have any facility in struts where i can access the from bean current object from another.

14 years ago
Hi All,

Can we combine onclick(window popup) and action in jsf comandlink? i tried it out, but not able to succeed.
Awaitng for your valuable inputs.

14 years ago
Hi Ulf,

I have solved my issues. Thanks a lot...
14 years ago

Thanks for the inputs. But my problem is, i need to give the formatted date as a input param to the callable statement . since in front end they have used string, have to convert the string to date and with the same format. but formatting a date returns string.

cstmt.setDate(date); where date should come from a stirng and with the same format as string.
14 years ago
Hi All,

I am having a String "21-MAY-09"
I need to create a Date from the above string and also with the same format as the String
Let me know for your valuable inputs
14 years ago