Jay Watson

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since Jan 27, 2010
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Recent posts by Jay Watson

Why won't it read space?

14 years ago
It runs. My problem is every time I input a space it gives me an error.
14 years ago

Ulf Dittmer wrote:There may other problems, but instead of "sentence.charAt(0)" you should have "sentence.charAt(i)".

other problems like?
14 years ago

Why is it not working?

What is wrong with this line?
14 years ago
I got the program running.It works fine, But is there any other way other than switch statement?

14 years ago
I tried assigning x to the switch statement but it just gives me error. Is there any way to use br.readline w/o the try and catch?
14 years ago
The word error is from the catch. I think the reason the word error appears bec. I inputted a character instead of an Integer.
I'm not asking you to do my homework I just need someone to help me.
14 years ago

Here is the output

I know there are tons of errors, I need your advice. Please, this is due in 5 hours.

14 years ago