Rajeev Trikha

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since Jan 29, 2010
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Ivan's notes are good. Here is an alternative source. Look at the points 9 and 10 at the bottom of the document. Generally the doc covers useful information for the web services exam and is a terse crammer.
14 years ago
SOAP is just the payload of some other application protocol, predominantly HTTP. The various standard bodies just tinker with SOAP headers. So I presume IBM SOAP would mean that they have put something in the header part of the SOAP Envelope.
14 years ago
'Java Web Services: Up and Running' by Martin Kalin is one of the most up-to-date and practical books on Java-based web services.
It covers the standards, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, security, deployment etc rather well.
14 years ago

If your service operation has no input parameter and just return then the message exchange pattern still has to be request-response for your output-only operation.

You need to have a wsdl:input for this but the message you point towards has just the name and no message part, ie

14 years ago

Raju is there enough time in the exam to review the answers?
14 years ago
Thanks Ivan for the clarification and your study notes. I am currently going through your study notes and they seem to be a fairly comprehensive resource.

For validation, the parser has to know the actual details of the schema, so "the schemaLocation attribute value is only a hint on where the schema document for the namespace in question may be found" presumably just means that either use the given location or if you have already obtained the schema details and put them in your cache then use that for efficiency.
14 years ago
Obviously follow Paul's advice for greater understanding but my take on it would be:

CORBA has the key advantage of being truly object-oriented component architecture and comes with a host of standard services like naming, transactions, printing, events etc which support complex applications in a heterogeneous environment in a platform and language independent manner. For example, there is no equivalent of CORBA Security service in web service environment and only now the suppliers have started addressing these aspects. So the disadvantage of web services over CORBA is that it is reinventing-the-wheel and cannot handle the required amount of complexity in its current state. However the complexity of CORBA, the issues with its specification and the slowness of new development have opened way for web services which are more suited to web-environment with their loose coupling, XML and HTTP usage. The SOAP messages of web services are simple to use and implement. Unsurprisingly, this simplicity has given momentum to web services over CORBA.
14 years ago
"Most object-oriented languages do not support the full scope of inheritance defined by the XML schema specification. For this reason, you should use type inheritance in schemas with care."
14 years ago
"It's important to remember that the URI used for the XML namespace should be unique to that markup language, but it doesn't have to point to an actual resource or document." states RM. I understand the comment and get the idea that the namespace-engendered uniqueness will ensure that there are no collisions in names so the prefix is more important than the actual presence. But am I right in saying that if we are validating a document then the schemaLocation URI has to point to an actual schema but the URI for the other standard namespaces still do not have to physically point to anything because the document is only validated against the schema defined in the schemaLocation and the rest of the namespaces are just there to confer uniqueness. Please clarify.
14 years ago
Simran, I think 15% or so were D&D. They actually are very easy and are checking a clear understanding of a concept. Well, that can be said about most of the exam too. Generics and threads are obviously very important topics but the questions again are very simple but cannot be answered properly without a clear comprehension of the principles.

Good luck for your exam.
14 years ago
Brendon you may find the free introductory videos here useful.
Well done! I too am a great admirer of Sang Shin.
14 years ago
Jim, if I change the code to

The output is 4.

Changing the code to below gives output of 2

Which shows that after executing the constructor of the super class the object initialisation blocks and initializers take place in top-to-down order. However, if I stick {int i=4} then this i variable value will be lost because of the local scope.
Try (\\d*)? which says >=0 numbers followed by a zero or one character.