Hardik Trivedi

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since Jan 30, 2010
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like drawable also., we have layout-large,layout-normal,layout-small.

I have used this for smart phones. I am not sure whether same thing will work for tablets or not.
13 years ago
Well you must have to maintain database for the keywords. Read the file sequentially, then you need to check for every keywords for every line.

It is bit of tough though. to form the information which you want to build. But as of now you can start using simple string manipulation and file reading.
13 years ago
Does your servlet print that 'inpost' ?
13 years ago
For both older and newer version layout will be read from layout-normal folder. And to support 480 x 800 resolution which is high resolution, you need to put newly designed images in drawable-hdpi folder. Images should be in better resolution then previous images.
13 years ago
You can do it by two ways,

Creating app means you really create an app which displays data from remote server. No webview integration.In this user will have more app like feeling.This is more time consuming also.You also need to write web services to pull and push data from server.

And second display them in webview. this will serve two purpose. You will have an app too and also the same thing will be able to see from browsers also. For this you need to write html pages which supports all browsers.

Choice is yours now
13 years ago
Hello friends,

I have a simple question for you. Lets assume I am taking one ListView in my Activity and I have made on Custom Adapter for it. I am extending Base Adapter for that.
Now that Custom Adapter is taking some ArrayList. Now for each item getView will be called that I know. But for some reason getView is calling more number of time then it should. Say if my arraylist is having 5 item. It should be called for 5 times only.
But it is being called 10-13 time. I really do not know why.

Please answer.

13 years ago

Peter Johnson wrote:You would have to first get the lat/long of the person's location. After that it is simple arithmetic.

Yea I have person's current location. I would like to know about the algorithm
13 years ago
Implement Gesture API.

or View Flipper is I think what you are looking for.
13 years ago
Hi all,

I am stuck up at one problem. I have few pairs of lat long which is creating closed boundary/fence on a map. Now I want to know whether person is inside that fence or not ?
How can I know that ?

Is there any api available or any algorithm is there or not ?
13 years ago
Hi All,

I want to scroll my scrollbar to specific view. Say I have one vertical Scrollview in my app. There are lot of labels and images which are given in Linear Layout. Now when user press a button it should scroll to some text view.
Is it possible in android. I have tried scrollTO and scrollBar method. But they work on pixel and in android we can not refer to static pixel as devices are of different different resolution.
13 years ago
try using

13 years ago
Define a custom layout for list item which is having radio buttons in it. Pass this layout in your custom adapter. And use it.
13 years ago
Android have a broadcast receiver which will gets started when phone completes the boot process. From Broadcast receiver you can start any activity of your application.
13 years ago

Above tutorial is nice to start with
13 years ago