Vishal Hegde wrote:When i changed the if loop it worked?? but it makes no sense??
karl czukoski wrote:How would it be done outside the jsp then, in a servlet? can you provide a more detailed explanation? why isn't java code good inside a jsp?
Won Cho wrote:
One of my favorite instructor told me this phrase.
If your JSP file starts to look like Java, then it should be Servlet.
If your Servlet starts to look like HTML, then it should be JSP.
As 100 others pointed out...accurate response would be to use Servlets to do business logic and use JSP for view. So they really go together like peanut butter and jelly. It's best to use both for what it was intended for... Then again, using Servlet & JSP is 10 years ago... you should consider using MVC frameworks.
thangamani vasanthi wrote:i had completed my scjp exam on 26sap 2010 but til now i did nt receive my certificate what i hav to do?can any one help me
Bipin Jethwani wrote:Thanks Larry, That was really helpful, and got the emails exactly the way you said :-)
Larry Olson wrote: Thanks for the link. Yes, taking the exam again might be the only choice (if you do take it immediately, you would remember the questions and could go through it fast without thinking much - otherwise it could be time consuming).
I managed to score only around 50% (man sitting through the 72 question session is like going through hell - the brain becomes numb after reading the questions that seem to repeat all over again and again. It needs a LOT of concentration and perseverence. Of course the questions are very boring - particularly all the class names and method names that make no sense and all that un-interesting code makes the test that much more difficult. If reading all that un-interesting code and taking the test is so boring - I wonder how boring and un-interesting would it have been for those who framed the questions - kudos to you Devaka on taking such a tough exercise - that needs a lot of determination.
OK, I will stop complaining and get on with more examsI hope the end reward will all be worth it.