dan moore

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since Nov 04, 2001
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the problem with midp network connections in the real world or on real phones, is that often the phone and/or operator gateway are not correctly configured.

your code may be great, it may work fine on the emulator, but that doesn't mean it will work on your phone.

usually (but not always) you should be able to google the correct settings for your network and model, or get the settings sent OTA to your phone from the manufacturer's website.

hope that helps,
19 years ago
i guess it's not really a binary skill...
19 years ago
btw, it's actually 'MANIFEST.MF' (i.e. case sensitive) - i had grim problems when i was adding my manifest file in the wrong case...

cheers, dan.
20 years ago
hi there,

i don't have the answer, but you might also try posting to the forums at http://developer.sonyericsson.com - of course you should stay with javaranch for all other j2me needs...

good luck, dan.
20 years ago
hi there,

we have developed a street (pedestrian) navigator app, and are trying to get some, er, breadth to our testing.

we've tested most families of phone, so hopefully should work generally OK, but it would be nice to test as many models as possible. in particular, we're UK based, so are fairly lacking on non-European models and operators.

the app is, umm, fairly cool i think - funky little zoomable, rotatable maps and our mind-bending 'look no gps' tracking system - so may just be worth a look just out of interest. whether you'd like to only load it up or want to give it a good old seeing-to, i can either do some testing on your own app, or give you some free usage in exchange. we have coverage for UK, Germany and Austria.

email me if you'd like to help out or get more info. let me know what model/network you've got.
cheers, dan.
20 years ago

i believe the midlet can only access data within its own jar or within its own area of flash (accessed through the microedition RMS apis).

as such, your text file can only get into RMS via the app - so it needs either to be downloaded or read from the jar.

so you're fairly stuffed: most devices won't let you have jars bigger than a few hundred kbytes at most, and a java app can't directly access an external file.

one possibility, on phones which allow native applications such as symbian, would be to run a little native http server which serves up the text file, then connect from the java app to http://localhost, but perhaps not what you're after.

there are some newer phones coming out in near future with filestore access i believe, some newfangled JSRs or other, don't see what's wrong with MIDP1 myself...

hth, dan.
20 years ago

we've developed a midlet and i'd like to ask ppl on the forum if they'd like to test it on their own handsets, to get an idea of how its interoperability on devices and networks is going. i could compensate by doing some UK testing on their own developments.

just checking if this would be OK, umm, wrt. forum ethics?
cheers, dan.
20 years ago
...or maybe try not setting 'Content-Length' explicitly - some implementations do this implicitly, maybe it's interfering.

cheers, dan.
20 years ago

yes, i think you need a sim, check out vodafone.co.uk.

cheers, dan.
20 years ago
hi there,

a couple of possibilities:

(1) error code 411 means the server has not received the 'Content-Length' header, which could be an intervening gateway stripping this out...

(2) your code is also calling http.getResponseCode() before it closes the output stream - maybe try closing the output stream before doing the getResponseCode().

(3) the flush() shouldn't be necessary... i believe i have seen it cause problems on some devices, too.

hope that helps,
20 years ago
hi Greg,

did you get anywhere with this one / get any more info?

in our experience, the Sun WTK (104) behaves correctly wrt displaying characters, as do all devices i've come across. this includes showing garbage if you have attempted write a String which contains non-UTF chars, (usually happens if you your editor is in iso-8859 mode or somesuch).

btw, are you transmitting any of these chars in request URLs? or loading via properties files?

cheers, dan.
20 years ago
what content type are you setting, and what parameter type encoding are you using?
21 years ago
what is the link that fails with "response unknown" - is it a JAD request or a direct link to a JAR?
cheers, dan.
21 years ago