Peter Wippermann

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since Feb 02, 2010
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Recent posts by Peter Wippermann

Interesting Task! I hope Claire Bird didn't give up?!
I was eager to solve this problem by myself, so here's my solution. I found AggregatingIterator a better name for that class.

Feel free to comment ;-)

Here's a unit test inspired by one of the answers before.

9 years ago

Ted Dunning wrote:Not really. We had an implementation in Pig contributed a long time ago, but nobody really had time to bring it up to snuff.

We do have a very reasonable parallel implementation of LDA, however, which is often considered the next generation algorithm after PLSI.

Thanks. LDA sounds interesting, I'll have a look into it.
I was looking for PLSI in Mahout a few years ago. Besides that there was no out-of-the-box implementation for PLSI, I didn't found anything in Mahout that would help me to implement it by myself.
So has anything changed ever since? An implementation or at least some support in Mahout?

Thanks :-)
Hi folks,
hi Federico,

how can businesses choose GWT as their strategic toolkit to render web pages?
In my opinion such investments are dangerous, because I would not say that Google drives a continous business. indeed, they are very innovative and not afraid to try something new.

But they also don't hesitate to take projects off, if they don't succeed or at least not as much Google would like them to do.
Google Wave was a nice example for that.

So can I recommend GWT to clients, although its continuation may be in question - or is GWT already mature enough for business, even if it wouldn't be brought further by google?

TIA for your answers,
14 years ago
Oh I see, good addition. I hope that helps others, reading this later on.
14 years ago
Ok I got it, let me have a look on that tomorrow. Stay tuned ;-)
14 years ago
Ok, so your on RAD 7.5 and have an 5.0 EAR, which is targeted for WAS 7, right?
Your in the right perspective and your in the right view? And there is no such submenu JavaEE -> Open WAS Deployment ?
14 years ago
Found the partial answer by my self:
In the JavaEE-Perspektive, go to the Enterprise Explorer view. Right-click on the EAR-Folder and select JavaEE -> Open WAS Deployment
There you can at least find the trusty old "Deployment tab", which I actually needed.
14 years ago
I used to create 1.4 EARs. There in the deployment descriptor editor I had a bunch of tabs including "Module","Security" and "Deployment".
Now when I create a new EAR in version 5.0, the editor only has two tabs "design" and "source". Is there an option to enable the advanced tabs again?
14 years ago

Vyas Sanzgiri wrote:How did you conclude that JSF 1.2 was the problem?

I can't tell yet. My bachelor thesis will be about the evaluation if we could solve our performance issues (better: improve the hardware requirements) by replacing JSF 1.2 with 2.0.

I'm glad to hear from Jason, that my task is likely to succeed and show a real benefit. I will start in March, so unfortunately I don't know enough about the topic and the specific problem we have yet.
I just heared of the promotion here and wanted to take the chance to get some hints for my upcoming thesis, where I could start my analysis. And of course I hope to win a copy of the reference, that would be nice indeed

So is there any JSF implementation I should prefer?
How would you design an examplary application for performance tests?

15 years ago
We're facing some performance issue with our portal and would like to evaluate that.
Do you have any experiences regarding the performance? Or can you even name, what's been done to increase the performance in 2.0?
15 years ago