Kris Nelson

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since Nov 04, 2001
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The shop I work in is a Microsoft shop using SQL Server 7.0 and ASP [pause for boos], but I've been a weekend Java programmer for about two years now.
My question for all the kind Java Ranchers here is if anybody knows if it is possible to pass an ADO Recordset to a Java Applet, or should I stick with my gut instinct and call a stored procedure from within the applet based on parameters in the HTML applet tag?
This issue we are facing isn't an earth-shattering issue, but we are looking for a way to basically 'freeze' the column headers of a table (from a custom report, i.e. query off the database) while the user scrolls through the results. Frames aren't really an option and we want to be able to support both IE and NN, so ActiveX controls [pause for more boos] are also out of the question. A coworker of mine suggested a Java Applet and I ran with the idea.
Comments, suggestions, ridicule?
22 years ago
I may be crazy, but I remember reading that MS Word actually uses XML for formatting it's documents. I'll try to track down the source, but if someone else has heard of such a thing, back me up.

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23 years ago
Thanks BJ,
It'll be put to good use, I promise

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23 years ago
What are you typing after the "java" command on the command line. You shouldn't type the .class extension when you run a progam with the "java" command. Doing so would give you that error.
If not, show us a little code of what you're trying to do.
Java/XML Web Development
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[This message has been edited by Kris Nelson (edited November 10, 2001).]
23 years ago
Because JSPs are compiled on the server and sent to the client as html, it is impossible for the JSP (on the server) to know about JavaScript variables (on the client). In your example, you could use a the result of the prompt box to dynamically write a form with the result as a hidden value. That page could then redirect to itself (assuming it's a JSP) and check for the existance of the hidden form value.

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23 years ago
There is also a site called the JSP Resource Index at I has links to just about anything JSP.

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23 years ago
Are you looking for anything specific about object memory?
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23 years ago
It's too bad UBB doesn't offer any stats as far as how many users are registered at JavaRanch and how many are currently logged in. It would be interesting to see how many other JavaRanchers are up at 3am as well as me (in my time zone anyway). Just a thought.
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23 years ago
Static members can be accessed by any instances of the class, so because "this" refers to the current instance, it CAN access the statis members of a class.
As for your second question, I'm not sure how you can use "this" in an object before it is created. You'll have to elaborate that question (probably with an example, code, etc.).

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23 years ago
What OS and jdk are you using? Make sure you have the current version of you JVM for your operating system. If so, try re-installing that. Also, does this happen when you try to compile any class, or just a particular one?

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23 years ago
Set the text of the flipField textfield the same way you status textfield in the tossAction.actionPerformed() method.

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23 years ago
The Boolean Wrapper class (Boolean with a capital 'B') has a toSTring() method that returns "true" or "false" as a String and can be created using as boolean value in its constructor.

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23 years ago
My guess is that SubclassX (EDITED, I meant this to be SuperclassX, sorry) has default (or package) visibility and cannot be accessed by other classes outside the SAME default package.
Java/XML Web Development
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[This message has been edited by Kris Nelson (edited November 09, 2001).]
23 years ago
The way I have always done it is to create two java.util.Date objects using the different times. Using each Date object, call the object's getTime() which returns a long value of the number of milliseconds January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT (a.k.a epoch). If you don't care about the dates and just worrying about the times, make the Date objects the same day. Then, simply subtract one long from the other to get the number of milliseconds between them. I think you can figure out how to convert milliseconds into hh:mm:ss etc.

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23 years ago
I was curious on how it worked out. Got any details of what you did?

Java/XML Web Development
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23 years ago