sandy indira

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since Feb 03, 2010
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friends i tried all these but it didnt help..

it still caching the data...i.e the name if the user and allowing him to come back to the home page after logout by pressing back button...

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="Sat, 01 Dec 2001 00:00:00 GMT">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content=<%= new java.util.Date() %>>
<meta http-equiv="no-cache">
<script type="text/javascript"></script>

<% response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache");
response.setDateHeader ("Expires", 0);
response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-store"); //HTTP 1.1 %>

<--body of my page----->

14 years ago
friends i tried all these but it didnt help..

it still caching the data...i.e the name if the user and allowing him to come back to the home page after logout by pressing back button...

14 years ago
friend i dont want to disable the back button instead i want to create a check on user..

after logout if he press the back button the request should go to the controller and check is he a valid user if yes
allow him or if not redirect him to the login page...

and i saw the private message there were no new messhages...plss i have seen the naming convention..even if needed i can again change just tell me if needed...
14 years ago
disable the back button in webapplication

after logout the user is sent back to the login page and there if he press the back button the request should go to the controller(server) and
check whether is he properly logged in if yes allow him other wise display the login page...

help guys give me some nice code or some good suggestions for this...
14 years ago
guys still i am in the same problem...can anyone give me any suggestions to handle it on server side...

after logout the user is sent back to the login page and there if he press the back button the request should go to the controller and
check whether is he properly logged in if yes allow him other wise display the login page...

help guys give me some nice code for this...
14 years ago
hi friends..

i am fetching data from the database and printing on the screen..the data is of numericals..

and the value contains 15 digits..

i want to display only 5- 8 can i do it???
14 years ago
hello friends,

i was using apache excel api for reading the data from the excel sheets..

but there is a problem with that, its unable to read the numbers from it,
that is, there were some mobile numbers which were to be fetched from the
excel sheet but it has some problem in that..

for example if excel sheet has number 75578945639 then it will read as 7.557894563E9.

i have tried to format the excel sheet by putting these colums as number, general, text...but still i am facing the same problem..

please suggest me some thing 2 proceed with..

is it because of the excel api or there is some other format in which these columns with mobile numbers should be saved..

help friends...
14 years ago
thank you guys 4 help..

i had some changes in it and now its working...
how can i do validation in client side: for eg.

user should have "username with at least six characters"
and his password "should have at least 6-8 char and also should contain digits in it.."

if this is the scenario than what should be done..

help friends...
14 years ago
actually from a excel sheet the data is fetched from cells(i.e all the data is fetched from rows).. then how to dump the data in mysql database where we put data in columns..

i have nerver done this kind of stuff b4... so if anyone can suggest how the whole loop should be like..
i. how my "for loop" should my case i am taking the username and password from the excel sheet and have to dump this in the
user name and password of the sql database..

any suggestions wil be greatly appreciated...
how to fetch data from excel sheet and dump to Mysql database..

i had written code to fetch the data from the excel sheet using excel api (POI HSSF) given by Apache.

and i am able to display it on the console

but how to dump it to the database is the real issue...

Help guys help...

Thanks in advance...
hello friends...
i am a new user...

i am creating a web appliction in which i want
if the user is been logout once then he should not be able to access the home page by simply pressing the back button...
i tried different things but it didn't work...

please help...


home page



so pleases help me friends... logout by diabling the back button
15 years ago