Luan Cestari

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since Feb 07, 2010
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Recent posts by Luan Cestari

Does it worth to tune the JVM to have very large Thread Local Area ?

For tuning young generation for something like this case, would -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolic and -XX:GCTimeRatio=99 be helpful?

8 years ago
Hi everyone,

I would like your professional opinion if it worth to evangelize OpenJDK inside a company which all projects are running using Oracle HotSpot. I know that old version usually to higher rates of incompatibilities (specially running old J2EE containers) but not sure nowadays and also if you see using OpenJDK is better as it is really opensource and we have big companies and the community improving it but the drawback we would not have Mission Critical and flight recorder for instance. Do you think it is stable and production ready to rely on the latest version of centos repository , for example? Did you know any performance difference between OpenJDK and HotSpot ?

8 years ago

I know that Shenandoah code was accepted to OpenJDK not so long ago and as far as I know it would be beta on OpenJDK 9. I would like to hear the thoughts you guys have about it. Do you guys think it would be like Azul VM one? Is the throughput of Azul VM so high that worth to buy its license? About G1 GC algorithm, do you think it would also evolve like Shenandoah plan to keep improving or it would be like the other GC algorithms which didn't have major changes?

Thank you,
8 years ago

Since I first saw Netflix post ( ) using FlameGraph with Java I thought which use cases would suite to use this kind of tool, specially as there are many more tools like . Could you talk a bit more about those tools (such as FlameGraph and also the linux system performance tools) , like some useful scripts and hacks you already created to solve an problem, the border line which separates them with other tools (such as JVisualVM, JProfile, thread dump, etc) and other advices please? =)

Thank you,
8 years ago

Does make sense to create a framework to make a mesos cluster elastic ? For example, in a cloud environment which I may notice that the load is running out of resources of mesos cluster and it would be interesting to start the provision of news nodes to the cluster. I know that Twitter's Aurelia have a special feature to identify the production application which have higher priority and in a similar scenario it would remove the applications without this flag.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,
8 years ago

I made a similar mention on my question which Netflix is dealing with Mesos with AWS  (there is the video of the presentation here ). I think OpenStack as some other cloud platforms probably have many related problems and need for new features from the current frameworks.

Kind regards,
8 years ago
Hi Roger,

What do you think about twitter's Aurora framework? Do you think Twitter will release some complementary tools like Mesosphere made?

And did you saw one of the latest Netflix presentation which shows their work to produce their internal new framework which works with containers and also deal with Amazon Security Groups and so on? Any thoughts about it?

Also , do you think the best framework and tools to go today would be DCOS as it is open source now?

Thank you for your help and I wish your book will sell many copies and help a lot of people

Kind regards
8 years ago
In a nutshell, there is a thread that can stop all other thread that will wipe not used objects to free the memory. This is rough speaking, as Joanne said, there are much more content about in this forum and in internet (would not be nice to repeat everytime, better we stand over the shoulders of who already made a good post here our a blog, for example)
There are some implementation on Java SDK, so you dont need to to create your own implementation or use any external library. One of the JavaDOC of the SDK implementation for example . Another example, showing how would look like the usage of Executor here

Kindest regards
10 years ago

Which is the propose/job of this new thread that you are going to code? I would say to use Executor (from Java API) using a pool of threads which can be reused.
10 years ago
If it isnt in the welcome page content, this page probably use a JSF template which includes each of those JSP pages. Try to use your IDEA to find any "include" or the JSP file name in the project to figure out which method the developer chose.
10 years ago
It is a definition made by w3c (which is the organization which rules the standards about HTML and other things, in an elevator speech). Which that header you are informing the web browser there is an attachment as payload and you are also informing its name (otherwise it doesnt know it). - 19.5.1 Content-Disposition

Sorry but you didnt read and tried what I said. Take a close look as I mention more header parameters than just that one and also I sent you a link to an example. Try again with that example please.