nikita mishra

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since Feb 09, 2010
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Recent posts by nikita mishra

Hi I want to download the samples from the website It lists the files. I don't want to save the files individually . I want to get files as a bunch. How can I do that?

14 years ago
Actually What I am doing is generating some errors in the JSP page. The browser displays the error for the first request but after some more requests the browser is returning me the old page(ie the old page sent by the server). Is the tomcat webserver designed to behave like this?
14 years ago
I downloaded chrome just now! It too is returning me old page sometimes, while there is no chance of chrome having a cache of old page. I am using localhost and I am executing the application from Eclipse in the tomcat sever environment. Does that mean tomcat server is caching the pages?
14 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:

Stephen McConnell wrote:I was under the impression that he just wanted to not cache pages while he was developing them!

You're not crazy. I think that is what he asked. But, of course, it's the wrong question.

@Bear Bibeault
I think this is how the question should be.
"How can I configure firefox not to cache the pages so that it will retrieve the pages only from the web server and not from the local cache?"

@shivendra tripathi

Have a look on this post.

Tried that one too but of no use.

@Stephen McConnell
You got the question right. But the even after using the addon it still fetches the local cached page.
14 years ago
I tried <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> and <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> and also used about:config feature of firefox to disable cache but of no use.
14 years ago
Hi I am developing web application . As Firefox caches pages the output page does not reflect the changes I made in the jsp pages. How can I configure firefox not to cache the pages so that it will retrieve only the new pages from the web server?
14 years ago
New domain and new things to learn fine . Good. But what about the other things that I have mentioned in my question? I don't want to just use some API's and stick with it. I want to have a strong base in Java.
14 years ago

How is the future and present of Documentum? I have an offer to work on Documentum with Java. I have 1+ experience in java that too in j2ee. As the work load was heavy I couldn't concentrate in learning the advanced concepts(may be) in Java such as Concurrent programming, distributed computing. I don't have practical experience in these areas as well as using inner classes, using oops explicitly, using design patterns explicitly such as factory pattern, facade pattern etc. But as I have used struts I can say I have worked in MVC and other implicitly used patterns. Or I could say getting the base right in java and in programming concepts. Now I have got an offer from reputed company to work on Documentum using java. How will be the future for Documentum? How much of the design patterns , advanced concepts etc can I expect to be working on? Has any one worked on it? Please suggest me.
14 years ago

This code makes the current thread (main method) to execute after the thread2 finishes its job. How to make thread2 to execute after thread1?

I know its old thread but I want to know whether i am on the right track. I think the answer would be only b.

a) False. Controller can be implemented using jsps also
b) True. Set of Htmls can be cinsidered view
c) False. Model is not a data repository. It consists of business logic and Data access & storage logic.

I hope I am right.
14 years ago
I wanted to know all the available drivers for jdbc and the categories(type 1,2,3,4) they fall into. After referring it seems oracle does not provide type 1,2 or 3 drivers. Can you moderators or other java veterans please tell me what are the drivers you have used in your projects?
Hi! I know we have 4 types of JDBC drivers such as Type 1: JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver, Type 2: JDBC-Native API, Type 3: JDBC-Net pure Java, Type 4: 100% pure Java. Can anyone provide example drivers for all the four types of drivers?