swapnil kachave

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since Feb 10, 2010
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Recent posts by swapnil kachave

Hi everyone,
I want to import contact from AOL account.

Please help me to resolve.

Thanks in Advance.
14 years ago

I created rest web services.
I can pass String ,int to REST web services.

But when i go for passing custom object to services it throw "500 Exception".

I am not getting what is exact error.

can any on help me.

Thanks in Advance
14 years ago

Guna sekar wrote:Hi,

You can pass the list reference to a SET and then you can iterate the values to avoid the duplicates. Also you can check the duplicates using ".contains()" but the thing is you need to check it using if/else everytime.

So my idea is better to pass the reference to SET


As said by Guna Sekar,
Below is example for same :-

This will return you unique list of object .
14 years ago
create ADD and CANCEL as Anchor tag and in anchor tag give the path of Servlet and HTML page it will redirect you properly..
14 years ago
Please read the concept of Object Array creation and use.
In your example you create the object reference as "secondLibrary" of Liberary class .which contain books as object array which is get initialized with length of 4 . but array is not holding any object of book. Array is only get initialized it is not get filled . that's why you are getting exception while accessing book array of secondLibray.
Check Book Object in book array of secondlibrary you will get your answer by checking value of book[i] with null.
14 years ago

Harish Muthuraman wrote:When i tried to update the database after page submit, i got the error message "ORA-01000: Maximum number of open cursors reached".
what does this mean?
can any one help me??

This error occur because in program you not handled statement object properly. if ( no. of statement object open > size of open_cursor variable of Oracle ) then this error is occur. If your doing transaction management then try to close the statement object who firing select query to your database or increase size of open_cursor in oracle.

Ramon Gonzalez wrote:Why would someone use this?

Anonymous class is class which doesn't have name. This is useful when you want some functionality is specific to some classes such as in given example the Listener method which you are implementing is not shared by another class it is totally or more specific it is made for only to the that specified object that time anonymous class is useful.
14 years ago
As per your question on polymorphism , We normally say overloading is compile time polymorphism. At time of compilation ,Compiler follow certain number of steps , in that one step is to check methods which called by using object is there or not.
So that we say overloading is resolved at compiler time.

14 years ago
Hi sankey jain,

To improve performance of your application , Implement level 2 cache in application.
Normally when you do normal select also database query is fired in hibernate but if you use caching in application then only one time query is fired and next time request come to your server for same, Then database is picked from cache for that no new query is fired..

Please check the your login server which you are using for login in that if you are getting the session mean you not configure page directive tag properly.
or do one thing
first make
in your login servlet and check that you are getting session in login servlet or not .
14 years ago

on index.jsp page do one thing there is attribute in page directive as SESSION . make this attribute as false.
by default for each jsp page session is created . but if you make SESSION attribute as FALSE then web container not create Session for index.jsp page.
14 years ago
student s1 = new student();
In above the s1 is reference variable which point to the Object of class student .
but you can use object in function in this variable because of that there is no such requirement of creating object reference .
14 years ago
<package name="web-package" namespace="/pk1"

the name space you can define at package level. and it is get added into your URL.

for ex. your application name id testWeb then action come inside this package you can access like:

14 years ago
Hi all,
I am new to iphone web application development. I am using the iui framework on client site for designing pages and struts 2 on server side.
i deployed my application on the jboss server.
i want to use the offline cache of safari browser for that i made the Test.manifest,test.html & test.js .

the code is as follow :-
html page :-

Test.manifest file :-

but whenever request come for html page, test.js file get downloaded .
please guide me for resolve the problem.
14 years ago