Vijay Tyagi

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since Feb 15, 2010
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Recent posts by Vijay Tyagi

In setRegion() , If region is null or the empty string, the region in the Builder returned is removed.
Same for setLanguage()
12 years ago

Also,you might want to know about their placement cell.
12 years ago

which are many many orders of magnitude more difficult to decipher than unicode to text.... ...

Agree , the title of this thread should have been "Easiest problem this week"
12 years ago

Richard Tookey wrote:

Vijay Tyagi wrote:


12 years ago

Richard Tookey wrote:

Vijay Tyagi wrote:Answer is JAVA[/code]


12 years ago
Answer is JAVA

Wrote a small program to read those unicode strings from a file and convert each into a char
12 years ago
looks like , taking a power nap after every post
12 years ago
according to these sources ,BMP plane 0, supports most modern languages
12 years ago

Ulf Dittmer wrote:

Jelle Klap wrote:CAFEBABE

That's the only term I've ever seen mentioned as Java's magic word, and not infrequently, actually. It's also what is mentioned in, which I guess is the post Vijay saw.

Right, as bytecode is the magic of Java, cafebabe as the magic word makes sense
12 years ago

There is a post on geekinterview which says that Magic Words are deprecated reserved (key) words like goto and const.
But considering that searching "magic word java" yields just one positive result ,I don't think it( the term "magic word" for goto and const) is used much.
12 years ago

I mean , all symbols<alphabets and numerals and special characters> of that particular human language, will fit into a single char,(range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF),one at a time.

12 years ago
Is there a list of languages supported by a single char variable in java ?
Not by joining 2 chars,just a single char variable, 0x0000 to 0xFFFF which I understand is referred to as "basic multilingual plane" <BMP>
12 years ago
In my case I can record music playing from the headphone/ear phone
It is a ear set with both mic and earphone in one unit.
12 years ago

Suppose a jar file is created using Java 7 update7 ,will it work on a computer having JRE 7 update 5 ?

12 years ago
Sound recorder that comes with Windows can record what you are hearing from a headphone
you will obviously have both mic and headphone plugged into the computer in this case
12 years ago