Paul Anilprem wrote:I can understand building a desktop as a learning exercise ...Laptop components are *extremely* optimized for space and, forget about the cost, I don't believe it is even possible to assemble one manually by sourcing off the shelf components. You may try but you I see little possibility for success here.
Paul Anilprem wrote:
Regarding the cost of pre-loaded windows - as compared to the cost of hardware, the cost of OS is not really much. So even if you are paying for it, you will be saving a ton on the hardware. So, imho, it would be better to buy a laptop and throw away the preloaded OS.
Bear Bibeault wrote:Surely your needs aren't so unique that there are no laptops on the market that will meet them?
Daniel Doboseru wrote:Hehe how about uploading some doodles to show off?
Fei Ng wrote:Do you whisper too while doodling?