Tukaram Kanade

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since Feb 18, 2010
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Recent posts by Tukaram Kanade

okk Thanks for your reply.

sorry for that question, i am get little bit confuse in the BPEL process & ant script.

but bpelc is used for the compilation & creating the Jar file,Am i right ?

But i am having already BPEL process jar file, just i want to deploy it.
14 years ago
From where i should excute this build.xml file.

My requirement is without using Jdev i have to deploy this process ,will it possible?

could you please give the steps required for deployment.

I totally stucked in this issue becuse i am not having the BPEL knowledge.

14 years ago
Thanks for reply.

Could you please tell me what changes should i do?

And my requirement is, i want to deploy this bpel process without using JDEV.

Means i am having only the BPEL process JAR file.

& want to deploy this Jar file in SOA server with using ANT script.

How can i do this. OR could you please give me the sample ANT Script for deploying.
14 years ago
Hi All,

I am new to BPEL.

I have created a BPEL Process in JDEV,and using Ant Script (Don't want to use JDEV ant script) i want to deploy it into SOA server.

How can i do this.

Please give me some sample helloworld deploy ant script.

Thanks in Adavance.

Please help me.
14 years ago
i am using hibernate for accessing the MySQL DB.

Hi All,

I have written a web application that connects to a MySQL database. Everything works fine for the first 8 hours,When my web application remains in ideal state for 8 hours, then MySQL connection expires.

After that restarting the tomcat everthing works fine again.
How should i resolve this problem.
Please help me.

Thanks in Advance
Hi All,

Is there any alternatives to GWT for use with Liferay?

Thanks in advance
14 years ago
Hi All,
I want to integrate already developed java web application into Liferay by using Java Portlet.
How can i do that?

WebApplication is Simple web application which having one Login JSP page & One Servlet for Login Authentication.

Please help me.

Thanks in Advance.
14 years ago
Hi Prashant,

Could you also send me the war file of JSP/Servlet Project?

Thank you.
14 years ago
Hi Prashant,

Thank you so much.

Its working now.

can i get good books or any material for Liferay Portlet.
14 years ago
Hi Prashant,
I have not recived your mail.

Please send me the war files, i am waiting for your mail.

14 years ago
Ok, once you do that please let me know.

I am also trying for that & let you know once it get completed.

These two jar files need to be put in the MyFirstPortlet lib folder.

Am i right?

14 years ago
Hey Prashant,
Thank you much for your valubale help.

I will check it out.
For testing this application should i require jstl.jar & standared.jar files.

I will give you replay.

Once again thanks.

I had another query

Can i integrate GWT application with the Liferay Portlet.
If i can then how will i do that?
could you please help me regarding this GWT application.
14 years ago
Thanks Prashant,

Mail ID = [email protected]

enable cross context part is not getting.

could you please help me regarding this issue.

14 years ago
Thank you Prashant.
Could you please give me one example?

Lets take an example of HelloWorld which is Java web application which is developed in JSP 7 Servlet.

How can i access these helloworld application in Liferay portlet?
What changes needs for accessing this application in liferay?
14 years ago