Mister Wang

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since Feb 19, 2010
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I have an idea, let me know if this will work.

Could I just extend the JNDIRealm and override the getRoles method to always return some hard coded roles? Since I already have a JNDIRealm which works for authentication, this seems like a temporary fix.

Any suggestions?
14 years ago
Hi All,

I'm currently working on a project migrating a J2EE app from WebSphere v5.1 to Tomcat 6. Previously, authentication & authorization were handled by the WebSphere container and associated EAR file. This was all done through the WebSphere Admin Console GUI.

What I need now, is for the Tomcat container to handle authentication through LDAP. This I have working. Now, my problem is this... We currently do not retrieve any roles from the LDAP, just search for correct uid/credentials. Our WebSphere container previously granted the Admin role to ALL authenticated users through the EAR deployment descriptor.

How can I achieve this with Tomcat? Do I need to create a custom JAAS LoginModule? I need to keep the form based authentication for my app.

Thanks in advance to any help you can provide.

14 years ago

I have a DataTable (file search) which has a list of files that are being processed. The DataTable has a hyperlink for each file, which navigates the user to the File Management screen. Here the user can modify attributes of the file. After saving these changes to the database, they are returned to the File Seach screen. At this point, I would like the datatable to refresh.

Any ideas?


14 years ago