Rajeev G

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since Aug 12, 2000
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Recent posts by Rajeev G

I have a bean 3 jsp pages that makes use of the bean. all the three jsp pages use the page directive with the isThreadsafe attribute set to false and include directive for the bean.
On compiling the jsp pages an error "Tag attempted to define a ben which already exists appears". what can bew the reason for the error.
ur help is appreciated.
24 years ago

Originally posted by William Brogden:
That is pretty hard to debug - the translation step is mostly hidden from the developer. I would suggest backing off by dropping various parts from your JSP until you get something working. Maybe use a Bean that does not have to connect to the DB to keep things simple.
There are all kinds of syntax errors that are hard to spot that can cause translation to fail.
Which JSP engine are you using?

The JSP Engine on the JDeveloper is Oracle JavaServerPages Engine. Also I dont have a DB access from my Bean. let me try what u had suggested.
24 years ago
Hi ,
I am trying to use a jsp along with a Bean in Oracle JDeveloper. I am getting an Error namely "Unknown Error in JSP Translation ".
could anyone help me solve this.
24 years ago
Hi All,
Could anyone let me know where I can find information related to sample Java Projects. I intend to do a project for a thorough understanding of Servlets, JSP, Beans topics in Java. ur help is appreciated.
24 years ago