Siva Arun

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since Feb 23, 2010
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Recent posts by Siva Arun

If we are accessing a external FTP Server via a FTP Proxy Server, I came across the following procedures

1) Connect to the FTP Proxy Server (#FTP myFTPproxy:8089)
2) Instead of the user name, provide like USER user@externalFTPserver:port (#USER

Is this syntax specific to Proxy Server or a common standard?
What is the difference between direction and text-align property in CSS? Seems to be both are same.
The Java used zero based indexing mechanism except JDBC. Is their any specific reason in the JDBC design to use non zero based indexing?
The Form Bean(StudentManagementFormBean) is having a single field 'studentList' which is a type of ArrayList<com.siva.bean.pojo.Student>. The same list is coming from the model part of a application. I just need to return the same list with the updated age.
14 years ago

I am trying to update the value of age over here. While doing the form submit, the form bean in the action class is not updated and having the old value. Could you please suggest to implement this?
14 years ago
The below code works fine.

avg function seems to be not available in XLST 1.0 version. Though I used XSLT 2.0, It is giving me the error.

Thanks. It works perfect as expected.

Thread 1 reads and print the XML for every 10 seconds.
Thread 2 looks for the user input in the console. If the user types 'STOP', both the threads has to be terminated.

Could you please guide me implement this by using java.util.concurrent classes(executor?)?
Thanks in advance.
Input XML


I just want to calculate the average marks of all the students and display it on the same output HTML. Could you please guide me?
Thanks in advance.

As of now, while submitting the this page, the results will be produced at the bottom of this page itself. But, the selected value is reset to the "Select Company" I just want to set the same while as user selected. Could you please advise?
14 years ago
Thanks All. It works fine now.
14 years ago
Hi All,

I just want to set the read only property to false when clicking some button. Could you please help to access this element in the javascript?

14 years ago
Among the 4 types of JDBC, which one is used by Hibernate(MySQL) implementation?
I am having a dynamic table structure below.

productList is having Product objects. I need to take the price value (productUnitPrice) out of Product object and assign to the 'txtUnitPrice' text box based on the selected product. I have stuck with the below code. Can you help me to proceed further?

14 years ago
Planning to build a simple inventory application using DOJO and any one of the J2EE frameworks like Struts, Spring or JSF. Is there any book (or) tutorial available which has both DOJO and any one of the framework?