Originally posted by Malli Raman:
No exception or error. The program simply completes the execution.
Is it do I need to check with the configuration file
Originally posted by Scott Johnson:
What is the exception message and stacktrace?
Originally posted by kri shan:
How Statefull session Bean is better than Servlets Session?
Originally posted by Abhishek Asthana:
I am having a little doubt about design of my Application and I need your help.
I am planning to use MVC architecture and I am thinking of having an EJB/Servlet/JSP trio for each page. Actually I want to display data from database on each page. For this I am thinking of using a different servlet passing arguments to its respective EJB which accesses database and sends the results back. But my Instructor says that there should be one servlet that should act as controller.
Please tell me what should I do? Is it such that in MVC there ought to be only one servlet throughout?
Suppose :
Where "MyServlet" is the actual servlet.
How can I get the Extra Path Info ?
Originally posted by kri shan:
What is the difference between Data Source and Transaction Data Source?
Originally posted by kri shan:
Whether JMS supports RMI synchronous communication?
Originally posted by David Harkness:
I read your question as "Why make a session bean stateful if it doesn't maintain any state?" The answer is "Insanity."![]()
Use stateful session beans only when you must maintain state for the client in the bean itself. Many times you can simply pass in the state (which the client maintains) as parameters to a stateless session bean.
Originally posted by Valentin Tanase:
One way is to use application resource files. Having a file named jndi.properties that defines all properties required to build the initial context will help achieving the location transparency. This file must be located in the application's classpath or it might be located under the $JAVA_HOME/lib folder. Another way is to use an IoC container like PicoContainer or Spring framework that does that job for you.
Originally posted by Gurumurthy Ramamurthy:
We are having an instance of entity bean which is doing some transactions with a piece of data from DB. What happens when you delete that specific data (on which the entity bean instance is working) is removed externally from the DB?