Shinelin Samuel

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since Mar 01, 2010
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I am using Flex LifeCycleDataServices to connect with our Java service module. On launching the application I get the following error:

"faultCode = "Server.ResourceUnavailable"
faultDetail = "Type my.RemoteService' not found."
faultString = "Cannot create class of type my.RemoteService'."

1. I have the Java service class available in my ../WEB-INF/classess directory.

2. My environment setup requires us to use Webpshere Shared Libraries, so I have the Java Flex messaging Jars as shared library (external location, configured to Websphere Classloader config). It works if I have the flex messaging jar files in ../WEB-INF/lib.

Does anyone, know the reason why it is not working using the Shared Lib.?

14 years ago

I am looking for a API which could read/write Richtext MS word documents. I came across Apache POI, which they say not good for processing rich text content.

My need is that, the API should be good enough to read MS Word Forms.

Any other APIs?, Please let me know.

14 years ago
You can achieve this by including(hard code) the corresponding HTML tags between the text. (guess that you might have tried this)
To my knowledege, you cannot associate a CSS style in this case, as css style need to be attached to a HTML component tag.

Gregg's link will definitely help you.


I think src will solve the URL issue. But I have a case, there are more than one images that need to be changed/transitioned (say 2 secs delay).

How to do Image transition here? Thanks !

Have you looked at image slide shows?

Eric, I am not very sure about your question. Are you referring to a JavaScript API or asking me if I have a seen similiar component from other websites?

I am looking to have images (more than one), which will be transitioned one after the another, the same location of the page. (Similiar to GIF). The issue I have is that, I want to know how to transition the images and associate each image with an URL. (so that, it opens up the exact link for each image).

Thanks in advance.

- Shinelin
and to your question why use wrapped Exception ?? It is to localize the exception for a specific Code, Application or API. Also, it provides more information about, and helps in identifying, where the exception has occured.
14 years ago
Hi Jose,

If you are looking for own customized exception for your application. You can extend the respective Exception class and call Super constructors and usally override the methods available in Exception (getCause() and getException() methods).

To your information, all exceptions in Java are extened from java.lang.Exception. For example java.lang.ClassNotFoundException is extended from java.lang.Exception.

Another one, java.sql.BatchUpdateException is extended from java.sql.SQLException and SQLException has java.lang.Exception as its Base class.
14 years ago

Would you please provide me the url for Ivan's study notes..

14 years ago
Yes, you can add custom faultCode to your soap message.

Refer FaultCode interface, it provide setFaultCode(String name), which help you in this regard.
14 years ago
Hi Varma,

First of all, Congratulations !!.

I had worked on Java webservices from Eclipse, RAD and pretty handy with it. I may be lagging some of the fundamentals, as I used tools to generate WS components.

How long (hours) do you think would require to pass the test with high marks,.

Also please guide me with the material (the one your referred below) for SCDJWS 5.0. Tips/suggestions any based on your experience.

Thanks and Regards,
14 years ago
I believe that you have added Tomcat server to eclipse Servers view. Then, Right click and select Add and Remove projects from the menu.
14 years ago
Eclipse provide convenience that the application server can be integrated to your workspace and publish the project there on.

1. Add your Tomcat 6.0 server in your workspace.
2. Start your server.
3. Add your Web project to the server and publish the content.
14 years ago
Thanks Dittmer for your response. Now I would like to go little more, please let me know if my understanding is correct.

Let us consider this example.

// The appserver connects to the the JMS provider/server using the jms configuration. Then the JMS server returns a QueueConnection, back to the Java client. ??
// Here appserver acts as an interface between the JMS client and server.
QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) context.lookup("jms/SampleQCF");

//The appserver identifies the implementation for this method, on the JMS server and makes a call??
queueConnection = queueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection();
There are lot Interface methoods that which J2EE APIs provide. Ex: QueueConnectionFactory, QueueConnection, QueueSession by JMS.

I want to know, how and where the methods within these Interfaces are implemented? (ex: QueueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection().)

Someone please assist me on this...