fred rosenberger wrote:if you know the order they have to be returned in, why sort it at all? just search through it for the 'next' one you want to return each time, and then return it.
Personally, I'd use a map.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:What does it say in the properties file?
Ulf Dittmer wrote:
Nilesh Pat wrote:Now i need more security not only for equal password but for similar password also.
That was my question: why do you think disallowing similar passwords provides more security? No password that is allowed should be trivially guessable or trivially crackable, so why would a password similar to a previous one be less secure?
will work.."Levenshtein function"
."Levenshtein function"
robert walker wrote:one way to accomplish this is to use constructor expression in your JPQL, so for example, you could do a
in this example, example.EmpMenu class does not have to be an entity, it can be just a pojo, it must have proper constructor to match the constructor expression
in the JPQL.
Ramesh Pramuditha Rathnayake wrote:
fred rosenberger wrote:Does it have to be done in a single regex?
Nilesh Pat wrote:Thank you for your replay.
Can you please suggest me Pattern which i can use to achieve this?