pardha saradhi

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Recent posts by pardha saradhi

Please help needed
Thanking youe
22 years ago
Hi I created a small hello world example and deployed it is deployed successfully but now it is throwing error when I am running client app.
following is the error message.
javax.naming.CommunicationException: Can't find SerialContextProvider
at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.lookup(../../src/share/com/sun/enterprise/naming/
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at HelloClient.main(
My question is
what should I do to make the client run? Do I need to configure any thing else?
Please help me I got stuckup here.
any help is appriciable.
Thanking you in advance
22 years ago
Hi I am wroking with weblogic 5.0
I could build and deploy beans in the server.
now I am running the client but giving the following error.
javax.naming.CommunicationException: Can't find SerialContextProvider
at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.getProvider(../../src/share/com/sun/enterprise/naming/
at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.lookup(../../src/share/com/sun/enterprise/naming/
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at HelloClient.main(
(I could do it with j2ee. In case of J2ee it creates client.jar thru deploy tool what would be in case of welogic 5.0)
1. Do I need to configure any thing else to run the client.
2.How to compile the client file and configure?
3. shall I have to set any classpath

Thanking u in advance
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: pardha saradhi ]
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: pardha saradhi ]
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: pardha saradhi ]
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: pardha saradhi ]
22 years ago
HI I am using weblogic 5 and I created jar file.
now want to create container classes and typing the following command...
D:\Work\EJB\weblogic\stateless>java weblogic.ejbc BookJAR.jar yy.jar
ERROR: Error from ejbc: Couldn't make directory for D:\Work\EJB\weblogic\stateless\ejbcgen\d:\work\EJB\weblogic\stateless
ERROR: ejbc found errors
the above error is coming.
Please sombody help me in knowing what is the problem here
Thanking you in advance
Thank you khan
I did as u mentioned now I am getting another problem
I ran this
If I give with java weblogi.ejbc..... then same error is coming that is class def not found..
If I am typing the following then.....
>javac weblogic.ejbc D:\Work\EJB\welogic6\stateless\Classes\bookJAR.jar D:\Work\EJB\welogic6\stateless\Classes\finalBookJAR.jar
>javac: invalid argument: weblogic.ejbc
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
1. what might be the problem here I tried many times as in document but giving the same error
pls. help me
2.It should use java or javac?
3. shall I have to set any classpaths after installing weblogic6.1?
Thanking you in advance
[ February 21, 2002: Message edited by: pardha saradhi ]
[ February 21, 2002: Message edited by: pardha saradhi ]
Hi I created .jar file and next step is creating container classes for which I am typing like this.
>>java weblogic.ejbc my.jar myfinal.jar
getting the following error.
>>Exception in thread "main" >>java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/ejbc
please help me in finding the problem.
Thanking u in advance
HI Andrae
I am using J2EE server.
But how to bind the database to JNDI?
or can I use DSN?
I tried a lot to configure database to JNDI but could not succeeded and I have been posting this question many times but no hepl till now
I am using J2EE as app server
Ms Sql server as database
Please if you have any idea help me.
thanking you in advance
I am using J2EE I could successfully do session beans now entered into entity bean. I got stuck up with database connection. I tried a lot to bind my db to JNDI, I followed instructions as it is in J2EE documentation but could not succeeded.
Is there any way that I can connect to the J2EE other than JNDI. like using DSN?
If so wher should I configure that...
I am using mssql. (hlep for mysql also ok)
any help is appriciable.
Thanking you in advance.
[ February 18, 2002: Message edited by: pardha saradhi ]
I am new to weblogic. trying a small stateless session bean. with welogic 5.x I created .jar file. in the following path
now I am running the command
d:\ejb\weblogic\stateless> java weblogic.ejbc BookJAR.jar finalBookJAR.jar
it is giving the following message
ERROR: Error from ejbc: Couldn't make directory for D:\Work\EJB\weblogic\stateless\ejbcgen\d:\work\EJB\weblogic\stateless
ERROR: ejbc found errors
Please if any one knows why is this coming help me in resolving the error.

Thanking you in advance
[ February 17, 2002: Message edited by: pardha saradhi ]
Hi I am using J2EE
want to bind sqlserver drivers to JNDI
I configured config\ file with..
and restarted the server
now got the folloing messages on console
Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/EmpDb, url = jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;user=saradhi;password=saradhi;DatabaseName=nags;create=true
1.How can I test to know whether it is properly working or not?
2. Can I test it without deploying any component. like directly with servlets .
3.Where do I have to place my servlet
Thanking you in advance
I am using J2EE and in deploy tool there is one option ..return client.jar bla bla...
1.What is that for ?
2.what it actually contains?
3.only deploy tool will generate it?
4.can we generate that manually?
5.all applications servers generates that? it can be generate in case of weblogic.
Thanking you in advance
I want to use mysql as database.
I am using j2ee.
1. where can I get the driver information for mysql?
2. how to bind it to the JNDI?(where can I get this help)
Thanking you in advance
HI what to do to solve this error
D:\weblogic\MyExamples>java weblogic.ejbc BookJAR.jar c:\BookJAR.jar
ERROR: Error from ejbc: Couldn't make directory for D:\weblogic\MyExamples\ejbcgen\d:\weblogic\MyExamples
ERROR: ejbc found errors
Thanking you in advance