You are the best person to make that judgement, but in general others won't have your interest in mind. You are the best person to decide what is best for you, and not others.
If you check a few online advertisements in your local area, it will give you an indication as to what the prospective employers are looking for. So, what ever you do, should make you employable. This means you need to learn the sought-after technologies/frameworks. If development is what you like, then it will be helpful. Set your goals first, and then go after achieving them.
acquire the skills what your prospective employers are looking for. Keep adding the skills you acquire to your resume.
Here are some general career tips
Hello guys,
I have recently completed MCA (2011 bactch) waiting for results of final semister.And also I am OCJP certified with throughout 60%.Our campus drive is overbut I stil not placed in any of company.Me also trying to get job calls,but I am not getting any calls even after posting resume on job portals.What should I do to get job ...What sholud be my next steps to approach jobs???
I work for MNC and my package was less as compared to my experience. I got good apraisal today and happy. Its still little bit less but good
and Message Broker suggested me to learn thisIBM MQ
product as it would have huge demand in future. He is ready to give me training on this.IBM
want to become an entrepreneur So, can java help me fulfill my dream.
In my job I have a choice of going for Javascript/jsp/spring/hibernate OR backend/middleware stuff like Maven/jBPM/Mule integration & framework stuff.
Which is/'will be' more in demand in future ?
Which pays more ?
Which is tougher to learn ?
Is it possible to be good in both ?
Any thoughts ?
1) Get basic qualifications
2) Get basic Certifications
3) Get an entry level job
4) Get good projects
5) Get higher certifications
6) Get higher qualifications
7) Get better projects
8) Get even higher certifications
9) Get managerial positions (This is where you quit java and become a manager of java)
10) Leave everything and join some cult