arun r mehta

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Recent posts by arun r mehta

[BB]Of course, there could be well-known internal rules that everybody is aware of about the circumstances under which teams can be changed - if those were against this, it might be a difficult case to make, and you may have to suck it up.[/BB]

This is exacyly what is happening. Policy says my current manger can block my release from current team. I would appretiate if anyone who had been in similar situation can guide me.
11 years ago
Hi ,
I am working for a company since almost 3.5 years. I worked for 2 teams .. Team A for 3 years and Team B for 6 months. Both the teams are in different division and work on different product altogether. I am in team B right now . i have an onsite oppurtunity given by team A manager but company policy says you cannot change you team within 1 year of change.. Offcourse if my current manger release me then it would not be an issue. I tried convincing my manager but he argues it is not professional to leave the team early. I am very much interested for the onsite oppurtunity but don't know how to convince my manager without spoiling my equation with him.
11 years ago

You are the best person to make that judgement, but in general others won't have your interest in mind. You are the best person to decide what is best for you, and not others.

Thank you for the suggestion.

If you check a few online advertisements in your local area, it will give you an indication as to what the prospective employers are looking for. So, what ever you do, should make you employable. This means you need to learn the sought-after technologies/frameworks. If development is what you like, then it will be helpful. Set your goals first, and then go after achieving them.

acquire the skills what your prospective employers are looking for. Keep adding the skills you acquire to your resume.

I do this regularly, and fact is industry is looking for specific frameworks(struts,spring,hibernate, gwt, ajax bla bla bla). In my company we hardly use any industry specific stuff, we have sort of propritory frameworks for everything, infact our development IDE is customized version of Eclipse with lot of plugins to develop from simple POJO to writing reports for end customers.

Here are some general career tips

Thanks for the link, this should help me a bit.

Basically I need to trade off between my career outside the organization and within it. If I decide to stay up here for long time, i might loose opportunities coming outside and vise versa. I am open for relocation(preferably US/Canada with my current employer) and I do see some hope for it in near future but don't know if it will come my way. Also I have deep interest into hardcore development role (which I can get outside organization). If i get both its perfect icing on the cake :-)
12 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

I want to discuss about my career over here and would appretiate if I get some suggestions

I have 3.7 yrs exp. on java ( precisely Core Java) and had been part of 3 companies now. My education qualification is Master of Computer Applications(2008 passout) post which I chose to join Global MNC out of the 5 different offers that I was made during my pre-final year in MCA.

After joining the MNC, I was given oppurtunity to work in SAP Basis (which was not my interest). I had to accept it as we cannot control much in MNC companies. I was kinda ok with it.
I worked for this company for around 9 months and was fired(laid off due to budget constraints in my project). I gained very less experience during this tenure and hardly could seek a job with such experience( timeline was mid 2009)
I felt helpless with lay off and couldnt seek a job with same skill(SAP basis). I appeared for lot of screen test(Written technical/apptitude test) for other Major companies inline with my previous companies. I couldnt even clear thier technical test, My confidence was shattered and I was on threshold of entering into depression. I was so much desperate for the job that I decided to change my skill to java(which I was very much comfortable with and also did hold SCJP during my MCA). finally I saw an advertisement on local news paper and got an email from consultant regarding a opening in local company for multiple fresher and experienced positions(c++ or java). I thought of just to go for selection process and to my surprise I saw around 10k candidates waiting to appear for screen test for this company. I was shocked and felt better to see so many people job less like me(I met people who were passed in 2008 and still couldnt seek a job). With 4 rounds of selection process I finally made in list of final 6 candidates who were made offer.
I joined this company only to get back to job as I was off work for 4 months now(this was Oct 2009). I joined this company and worked in java/servlets/jsp/struts, the salary that was offered to me was 25% less than what I was getting with my first company. I worked for this company for around 8 months and then I was offered a job in product company (which is my current company), I was given decent salary but I was excited to work for good reputed company with very good work culture. I am satisfied with my company work culture and stuff but the problem now is I don't like my work, When I initially started I was assigned to support project which fortunately got on hold due to budget issues, I showed my interest on development side and my lead arranged me to loan me to development project . I was appretiated for my work in very short span of 4 months and got the recognition award also. Soon the delivery of that project got over and I was back on this support project (Till date I am working on same project doing support). I have spoken to my lead regarding my interest and he is continuously looking for task which interest me. In one on one discussions, I made it very clear that I am interested only on dev. role and looking for relocation oppurtunity to other country. He made sure that I be involved in any development activities which is delivered by my team. I am currently involved in both kind of role(Dev. + support in 30:70 ratio). I do design/code/ut/UAT for 1 project and do production support for another project. In last feedback with my lead, I was told to do both (dev and support) which will give me visibility at site team and my counterparts. In very short span we had a requirement at site team which was matching my skill, onsite manager was looking for somebody who has around 2 yrs exp with particular skill(specific to our company vertical domain and not technical) and who can support and do dev. activities with little help.
I was one of the contenders to fill the position. After 4 months, I heard my application is rejected by my onsite manager due to less exp.(though I had close to 2 yrs exp on the same skill as required). I saw a guy pulled out from some other division (with total exp. of 5 yrs but only product support) and he had relocated to site . The same guy whome now I handover my work daily and also transition knowlede so that he can do development also. I felt very bad with this and disussed this with my lead and he said that he had tried from his side but the final decision was from onsite manager. I had again demanded onsite relocation and he said that he is in talk with onsite manager to discuss about another position for new customer. I have questions as below please give me some suggestions.

1) Should I believe my lead ?
2) I am looking out for change in another division(where work is pure development, will this be helpfull?)
3) I am also looking out for change outside organization(but no offers as of now, since I work only on core java and organization out is looking for more spec. frawework). will this help ?
4) What should I do to relocate, leave this team and look for other team?
5) What should I do to impress my onsite manager, so that he throws some light on me ( :-) )
12 years ago

Hello guys,

I have recently completed MCA (2011 bactch) waiting for results of final semister.And also I am OCJP certified with throughout 60%.Our campus drive is overbut I stil not placed in any of company.Me also trying to get job calls,but I am not getting any calls even after posting resume on job portals.What should I do to get job ...What sholud be my next steps to approach jobs???

My employer is looking for freshers (2011 passouts). If you interested to work in C++/Java , SQL and Unix send me your CV. Eligibility is 60% throughout 10th,12th, Grad and Post grad. Job location would be pune or gurgaon .

Do let me know if you are interested. Send your cv at [email protected]
13 years ago
IMHO, Indian IT services company hire freshers who can handle day to day task with commitment. Also their revenue is directly proportional to the number of people that put in their man hours. To the company it doest matter whether a fresher is IT/CS grad or civil/mechanical/Electronics grad. What matters is whether the person is able to learn and do his job on time and bring value for the company.

About Google/Microsoft and other product development companies...for them the talent matter irrespective of the grad course you took. I know few electronics and mechanical graduates who cracked google/Microsoft interviews and CS/IT grads struggling to even qualify for the interviews. For product develpment companies...ppl who think out of the box matters....

so in either case It doest matter what course you attend...if you have sharp logic, out of box thinking, creativity and mind-blowing analytical can definetly drop yourself in any product development company which primarily seeks talent and If you are an average intelligent with good communication skills and attitude to learn you can see yourself working in any IT services company to serve their customers
13 years ago

check this link regularly...lot of openings come up for freshers...if you are flexible with location you can manage decent job
13 years ago

I work for MNC and my package was less as compared to my experience. I got good apraisal today and happy. Its still little bit less but good

I am in same situation. Got hike and promoted to senior software engineer. Pkg is about average compared to industry standards at my exp(2.5 yrs) but my worth is more in the market. I got 38% hike this time. Spoke to some recruiters and got to know I can still get 25-30% more than current pkg.

I am 1 yr with my current employer and not keen to leave this company, but dont know how shall I increase my package.
13 years ago
I guess 5 lpa for 2.7 years exp. is more than decent compensation(if you are with MN service based company). If you have offer from service based company, i doubt they would pay more than 20% hike unless the company is good enough and they have critical requirement for the project.

You can expect 6.3-6.5 lpa. But yes even I would suggest wait for some more time atleast complete 3 years with your current company. I would rather suggest you not to make a move just for 20-25%% hike. Spare some time with single company so that your resume shows that you have some decent experience with past employer and looking for change for better role/responsibilities rather than better pay(I must say you are being paid handsome in comparison to ppl who are working in global giants with same exp. as yours).

14 years ago
Hi everyone

I have two yrs exp on core java and Recently I underwent an interview with product based company, I cleared all the rounds and the profile was very good and matched very much with what I desired.. Work was mostly technical and the job would give me chance to get good technical experience in java/j2ee/flex/ejb in retail domain...
but I need to do r & d on one product and its innovation for long time... Well everything went all right.
But I was given a not so lucrative offer so I turned down the offer.

One of my friend who has good grasp on


and Message Broker suggested me to learn this


product as it would have huge demand in future. He is ready to give me training on this.

I just wanted to know how is the present demand for IBM MQ & Message broker . I know java is evergreen field and their would be certainly demand for java professional but working for 2 yrs in core java, I am bored and looking to do something different and exciting

I am confused whether to learn a product or to sharpen my skills and eventually become a systems architect .
14 years ago

want to become an entrepreneur So, can java help me fulfill my dream.

If you have a business idea then it doest matter what tool you use....
Remember Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of facebook) ...He developed facebook platform with php ....
So did php is his business idea and his passion for socializing helped him to come up with this platform where ppl can meet each other virtually.

Being an entrepreneur is 100 times tougher than to be an employee. Starting a business is not a big deal but make it run is.... You should be ready for anything, besides nowadays business only runs if you provide very innovative service/product to your customers...and you should enjoy monopoly for at least a span of 2-3 years . Thats my 2 cents.

Wish you a good luck.
14 years ago

In my job I have a choice of going for Javascript/jsp/spring/hibernate OR backend/middleware stuff like Maven/jBPM/Mule integration & framework stuff.

Which is/'will be' more in demand in future ?
Which pays more ?
Which is tougher to learn ?
Is it possible to be good in both ?

Any thoughts ?


Which is/'will be' more in demand in future ? - Demand is completely unpredictable , The Idea here is to be aware of both the ends
What pays more - In my opinion, Pay depends on company/market average/skill available in the market which is pretty good enough on both sides. So pay wise both are same the only thing matters is "What you get on employers table ???"
There wont be any use if you have 10+ yrs exp. on middle ware technologies and you don't write reliable/deliverable/robust product or service(and vice versa in case of frond end technologies)

Is it possible to be good in both - Definetly yes, If you have passion for computing then you can probably master all the technologies.
When I say good in all technologies that means you have know how of the underlinging design architecture of the technology and might not know the API for the technology..

At the end of the day its choice what you do "frontend" or "middleware" both the fields have their own challenges.... The only thing which makes difference is what "Innovation" you have in your skill!!!
14 years ago

1) Get basic qualifications
2) Get basic Certifications
3) Get an entry level job
4) Get good projects
5) Get higher certifications
6) Get higher qualifications
7) Get better projects
8) Get even higher certifications
9) Get managerial positions (This is where you quit java and become a manager of java)
10) Leave everything and join some cult

In my case

1) Get basic Certification - cracked SCJP 1.5 in 3rd Sem MCA
2) Get entry level job - secured placment in 5 MNC before completion of MCA
3) Get basic qualification -Finished master of computer applications
4) Got kicked off from java as I was offered some other skill to work on (SAP basis)...
5) Got kicked off from company ( In may 2009 due to recession)
6) Got job as Tech support analyst at call center(worked for 4 months) and also searched for java based job
7) Got a job in local company based out in hydereabad as java developer
8) Got some exp. on web based projects and did Coding and Unit test of telecom projects
9) Kicked the local company and joined a big telecom product dev. company after 8 months
10) Now working on extremely challenging projects based on Core Java/EJB...

thats my story...
14 years ago
Thanks Jeanne for your suggestions and inputs

How much experience do you have total? If two years, it is too early to need to decide whether you want tech or managerial path. I knew at two years, but that's the time to plan internally. The actual activities you do are the same at that point from a work point of view.

Yes I have 2 yrs exp. total, but I am sure what I want to do. Yah I know SCEA is architects exam but to be eligilbe for that either I should have SCWCD/SCBCD, I am done with SCJP 1.5 when I was in college.

With just two years of experience you can work your way to a Technical Architect position but definitely none of the companies would offer you such a position given your experience in years. Like the previous post says, having a very good and quick understanding of code written by others (which you normally do in a production support) is vital and will certainly increase your knowledge.

Thanks Jyoti for your suggestions. I am not looking for change of my role. I am software engineer now but aspire to become a systems architect and wanted to know particular skills to be an architect.

Sandeep Awasthi
ou should choose what naturally comes out of you. All the areas need experience and knowledge. But something which matches with your passion/natural skills is easy to achieve.

Yes I too feel the same
14 years ago
Hi everyone here..

I have close to 2 yrs exp as a java developer. I have recently changed my employer. The project which i am working right now is support project for a telecom company based out of canada. Uptill now I have learnt how to fix the defects in ongoing support project and dev environment. However my interest is not into defect fixes. I have real passion for computing and I feel I am good with constructing something rather than fixing the issues. I want to be an system architect. I know this project will teach me a lot in terms of production environment where real issues come up mostly due to unforeseen situation and are mostly found to be weak design/architecture of a software.

Generally every Software Engineer goes though a same dilemma, that is whether to choose a technical path or managerial path in software industry. I know both the paths have their own challenges and problems. Though today I am equally comfortable with managing the things but still my real passion is to be systems architect. I can relate myself more with the role as architect rather than to be manager and manage the project and resources.
Today I take a stand I decide that I want to be a systems architect. Can anybody of you let me know what are the skills required to be an architect. By skills I just dont mean only the platform/frameworks/UML but skills in general. Right now I am good with Standard java, struts framework and EJB(bit of overview), Unix shell scipt, Oracle DBMS, SQL, UML(know how to construct Use cases, Component, Class and sequence diagrams), besides this I know few design patterns like Singleton, abstract factory,factory method, builder. I have to sharpen my design patterns so kindly suggest me good book for that. What are the other skills/soft skills required to be an architect?. Also do I need to be thorough with arcthiture of hypothetical OS and DBMS too ? I know unless you have complete understanding of underlining platform its difficult to build something over it, but how far should we know about the environment of the software?

I was thinking of going for certification SCBCD 5, but I am not sure how far will that help me, please do suggest me whether I should go for certification? Please share experiences also so that shall help me to sharpen my skills.

14 years ago