Ihor Mochurad

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since Mar 09, 2010
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Recent posts by Ihor Mochurad

Ok, I am going to try jTDS and promise to give my feedback here.
Hello Paul,

Thanks for your reply.

I agree with you that there is no need to save user's password inside session object.
Also I read some general info about jDTS, but I can't find explenation how it could be done for my specific case.

If you have a link to working sample, please, provide me with.

Thanks again!
Thanks Jan,
do you have some information regarding my question?
Hello guys,
hope you will help me to understand couple of things.

I am developing web application, which makes additional configurations to desktop application. All of configuration stuff is saved within db.

I use Hibernate for work with database. Database server is: SQL Server 2005. Web server/servlet container: Tomcat 6.

I want users to use windows integrated security so they will access database via their NT account. There will be a chance to track modifications made by users.

There is no need to create additional credentials in case I can use Windows NT login and password.

Can someone help me with this task?

I imagine it like this:

There should be 'Sign in' page where user can enter his/her nt login and password, this information should be verified against Active Directory. If such user exists in AD -- should be saved in the session. Also Filter could be created, which will fire before servlet each time verifying if user object exists in session.
But I do not know how this login and password could be wired with SQL Server integrated security.

In desktop applications -- it is clear, but what to do in web ones?

If someone will provide me with good written tutorial or suggestions, it will be great!

Thanks in advance.