ragi singh

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since Mar 10, 2010
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Recent posts by ragi singh

Thanks Manish ....
13 years ago
Hi Manish,

I think that these url's are incomplete . Please check .

13 years ago
Hi all,

Can anyone suggest me sites wherein freelance Java jobs are available .


13 years ago
Hi ,

can anyone explain where the string constant pool is located if it is not in the heap also what is a string pool .

Is the above code of some help ?

as i have still not arrived at the right answer ?
sorry for the late reply .

The code goes as follows in the getTestValue() the code is as follows:-

so as i could understand the getter is responsible for removing the InvocationException in equals method which was thrown at line

When i changed the equals as follows:-

It works and no exception is thrown . In either case , the value of fields of MyClass should be same then why is the behaviuor different on invocation of this.testValue and this.getTestValue()


I have a piece of code

My question comes from equals method in the block

I had a Myclass object which did not have a testValue associated with it now when i ran the test i got an Invocation exception . This example is in customized form so it might not throw exception . However, in the real code we had to use a getter in the code block as:-

I could not understand why this worked because fields for the calling object are same in either case . CAn anyone explain ?
about the version i think i would want to appear in a version dealing with J2ee1.6. In case you can suggest please do .


ragi singh wrote:Hi all,

I took the SCJP6 exam in Feb2011 however , i did not score well and passed with 65% , now i intend to be taking on the exam again to get a good score . I am a working professional and have to look into SCWCD before i try again at SCJP . Since i had somewhere been lacking in my efforts for SCJP i need to practice and score well in SCWCD . In order to score well do i need to buy some books or mock question papers ? In case so, please assist me with the names of books and mock question links. Please keep in mind while answering that i am a working professional so along with my preparation for exam i need to upgrade my skills with technologies like spring , hibernate etc . Can anyone guide me the right way to a perfect score .


Soory i entered the query in the wrong category.
Hi all,

I took the SCJP6 exam in Feb2011 however , i did not score well and passed with 65% , now i intend to be taking on the exam again to get a good score . I am a working professional and have to look into SCWCD before i try again at SCJP . Since i had somewhere been lacking in my efforts for SCJP i need to practice and score well in SCWCD . In order to score well do i need to buy some books or mock question papers ? In case so, please assist me with the names of books and mock question links. Please keep in mind while answering that i am a working professional so along with my preparation for exam i need to upgrade my skills with technologies like spring , hibernate etc . Can anyone guide me the right way to a perfect score .

Hi all,

I took the SCJP6 exam in Feb2011 however , i did not score well and passed with 65% , now i intend to be taking on the exam again to get a good score . I am a working professional and have to look into SCWCD before i try again at SCJP . Since i had somewhere been lacking in my efforts for SCJP i need to practice and score well in SCWCD . In order to score well do i need to buy some books or mock question papers ? In case so, please assist me with the names of books and mock question links. Please keep in mind while answering that i am a working professional so along with my preparation for exam i need to upgrade my skills with technologies like spring , hibernate etc . Can anyone guide me the right way to a perfect score .

Thank you for your prompt reply but what i am asking is the advantage of one constructor over the other ie the HashCodeBuilder() and the
HashCodeBuilder(int startValue, int multiplier). Can you please explain ?

13 years ago
Hi all.

I am using org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder to generate the hashcode of an object . Can anyone explain where to use the HashCodeBuilder() and where HashCodeBuilder(int initialNonZeroOddNumber, int multiplierNonZeroOddNumber) has to be used . I read the docs but couldnt understand . Can anyone elaborate .

13 years ago
hi ,

I am writing a test case using easy mock but the method i want to test gives a call to the super class method which is also overridden in my subclass . I thought about to approaches one taking out the call to super class method in another method and then mocking this method other being partial mocking . Can anyone suggest whether the approach is correct or is there a way out which is better or there is already something existing in the api to deal with such scenario .

Thanks ,
13 years ago