sherazam khan

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What is new in this release?

Aspose team is pleased to announce latest release of Aspose.EPS API for.NET & Java . . In this new release, limitations related to rendering of TrueType Fonts have been removed. There were some limitations in earlier version(s) of the API where Type1 Fonts were used to be rendered as outlines instead of text resulting the restrictions that users cannot perform text search operations over obtained PDF documents. However, those restrictions are removed in latest version of the API and conversion of TrueType Fonts in PS to PDF and Images has been implemented. Furthermore, PS to PDF Conversion Engine is also optimized in this release of the API. The list of new and improved features in this release are listed below

- Implement conversion of TrueType font to PDF
- Implement conversion of TrueType font from PS to APS
- PostScript to PDF - output PDF file has blank page

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.GIS for .NET documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.GIS for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Convert PostScript File To PDF Document
- Convert PostScript File To Image

Overview: Aspose.EPS for Java

Aspose.EPS for Java is a flexible documents compression and archive manipulation API for standard zip format. API enables .NET applications to achieve files compression/decompression, archiving files as well as folders and encryption of archives. It provides protection via user-defined passwords and traditional encryption using ZipCrypto or AES encryption such as AES128, 192 and AES256. Aspose.ZIP for .NET is implemented using Managed C# and can be used with any .NET language like C#, VB.NET, J# and so on. It can be integrated with any kind of application, from ASP.NET web applications to Windows applications.

More about Aspose.EPS for Java

- Homepage for Aspose.EPS for Java
- Download Aspose.EPS for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.EPS for Java
5 years ago
What is new in this release?

Aspose development team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.CAD for .NET & Java 18.12 . It has included support for managing AutoCAD DWG 2018, PLT, IGES and DXF file formats as well as DWG to DXF conversion. It also rectified certain rendering issues incurring in API for exported DWG and DXF files as well. There are some important features have been introduced in this release, such as Support block clipping, DXF version not supported, Convert DWG to DXF, Support for DXF Version, Add support of DWG AutoCAD 2018 file format, Colors from DWG drawing are not rendered, Extend PLT support with HPGL specification, Exporting DXF layers to respective PDF layers and Add ATTRIB and MTEXT objects support. Some important improvements are also part of this release, such as Hang during export of DWG with lwpolyline, Aspose.CAD conflict with Aspose.PDF, PDF-files are damaged after export, DWG file to PDF not properly conver, Load of DWG file hangs on, 3D Drawing Rendered Incorrect in PDF, Extra Border When Creating PDF/TIFF, DWG file not properly converted to PDF, DWG reading bug, Export failed to JPEG, Support hatches with holes, Implement support for DWG 2018, Support for twist angles for 2D drawings and many more. The main new features added in this release are listed below

- Support block clipping.
- DXF version not supported.
- Convert DWG to DXF.
- Support for DXF Version.
- Add support of DWG AutoCAD 2018 file format.
- Colors from DWG drawing are not rendered.
- Implement Mesh support.
- Integrate IGES format.
- Decompose a CadInsertObject.
- Support of layers contained in DWF drawing.
- Conholidate licenses support.
- Extend PLT support with HPGL specification.
- Exporting DXF layers to respective PDF layers.
- Add ATTRIB and MTEXT objects support.
- Hang during export of DWG with lwpolyline.
- Aspose.CAD conflict with Aspose.PDF.
- PDF-files are damaged after export.
- DWG file to PDF not properly converted.
- Load of DWG file hangs on.
- ImageSave exception on saving DWG to PDF or TIFF.
- 3D Drawing Rendered Incorrect in PDF.
- Extra Border When Creating PDF/TIFF.
- DWG file not properly converted to PDF.
- DWG reading bug.
- Export failed to JPEG.
- Support hatches with holes.
- Implement support for DWG 2018.
- Support for twist angles for 2D drawings.
- DWG to PDF not properly converted.
- Text is missing in exported DWG.
- CadWipeout object is read as ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY.
- Fix drawing of dashes.
- Verify reading of CadLeader for DWG.
- DWG to PDF not properly converted.
- When converting DWG to PDF, output PDF cannot be opened in Acrobat Reader.
- DWG to Raster conversion is not working properly.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.CAD for .NET documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.CAD for performing different tasks like the followings.

- - Export PLT to PDF
- - Support for Exporting DWG Entity to Image

Overview: Aspose.CAD for .NET

Aspose.CAD for .NET enables developers to convert AutoCAD DWG and DXF files to PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF and GIF image formats. It is a native API and does not require AutoCAD or any other software to be installed. Developers can also convert the selected layers and layouts from the AutoCAD files. The conversion to PDF and Raster images is of very high quality. Developers can also remove entities from DWG and DXF documents. It also adds support for leader’s entity for DWG format.

More about Aspose.CAD for .NET

- Homepage for Aspose.CAD for .NET
- Download Aspose.CAD for .NET
- Online documentation   of Aspose.CAD for .NET
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

Aspose development team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 18.12 .  Depiction of data through HTML page is very common, however this page can be opened in variety of devices including mobiles, tabs and other hand held devices which contain small screens. The size of the columns is defined in “pt” which works in many cases. However there can be case where this fixed size may not be required. For example if container panel width is 600px where this HTML page is being displayed. In this case users may get horizontal scrollbar if the generated table width is bigger. This requirement is addressed by providing scalable units like em or percent for a better presentation. Empty tags are very common while working with HTML like we can face <td></td> or simply <td/>. Earlier self-closing tags were not supported however now this support is provided. Now users can load any HTML with self-closing tags and convert it to Excel file. Named regions can have English formulae and this file can be used in environments where systems are configured to German Locale. There is need to translate these English formulae completely to German language for correct usage in Excel configured for German language. This feature is fully functional and can be used without any extra coding. Excel provides custom filters like filter rows which begins with and ends with some specific string.  Aspose.Cells provides rich features to manage shapes in the spreadsheet. Sometimes there is needed to get the connection points of a shape for aligning or placing the shapes at appropriate place. For this purpose all the connection points are required. Pivot tables are very common reports which are present in the workbooks. These reports are updated time by time and it is important to know the last time when report was updated for better decision making. Aspose.Cells has provided this feature by introducing property RefreshDate. Similarly name of the person who updated the pivot table is also provided as property RefreshedByWho.  Smart art is used for better representation of information however earlier the text in the smart art shapes was fixed. This limitation is gone now as now smart art text can be updated. For this purpose shape.setText() function is introduced which sets new text in the smart art shape. Data validation is done in variety of ways to control the input in the Excel file. Like limit can be defined for a cell within which some number can be entered, otherwise error message is raised. Issues were faced for validation of large numbers like 12345678901 etc. in the past but now this much large numbers are supported by Aspose.Cells. Aspose.Cells has introduced rendering active worksheet in a workbook to SVG. For this purpose load an Excel file into workbook object and set the active sheet index like for Sheet2, set index to 1. Then save the Workbook as SVG which will render active worksheet to SVG. Workbook can have multiple sheets which are rendered as multiple tab pages when converted to HTML using Excel. Similarly if a workbook contains single sheet, it shows one tab page when converted to HTML using Excel. This conversion was working fine for multiple sheets while using Aspose.Cells. However for single sheet workbook, there was no tab page and only HTML file was created without creating the separate folder containing CSS. Now Aspose.Cells has enhanced its library to create similar output for single sheet workbooks as compared to output created by Excel. In complex Excel files (XLSM/XSLB) there can be large amount of macros which can be very very long. Many times there is a need to load the workbooks without loading these VBA projects like just extracting the sheet names from loaded workbook. In this case we need a filter which can load VBA projects in when they are actually required. This time Aspose.Cells has introduced a filter option LoadDataFilterOptions.VBA which can be used for this purpose. Textbox is very common control which can be used in a worksheet. This is not necessary that text in the textbox is fixed. It may have tags which can be replaced with some text at runtime. It helps users to configure the controls as per the data on the sheet or from some other source. Worksheet.replace can be used for this purpose and textbox can be set with the desired text. It can convert worksheet to HTML but rendering entire sheet at once may not be required always. Users may require just a selected area of the sheet to be rendered to HTML. Worksheets contain page setup where print area can be set. A worksheet can have different types of validations including dropdown. There can be a need where user may want to detect the type of validation and take some decision based on this information. This release includes plenty of improved features and bug fixes as listed below

- Change returned value for getting Connection points
- Provide ability to export range as HTML
- Data bars are missing when XLSX is converted to HTML
- Value still exists when XLSX is converted to HTML
- Convert left right ribbon shape to image
- Aspose.Cells for Java JavaDocs - missing package-list file
- Font is not a valid HTML5 and self-closing tag and web browsers misrepresent its contents
- Wrong count of validation values is read from XLSX
- Issue while treating consecutive delimiters as distinct
- Date format is incorrect for Japanese locale
- LightCells API fails to load huge file
- An exception(StackOverFlow) raises when saving to PDF output
- Wrong value calculated by ROUNDUP()
- Copy a range with PasteType.ALL (Paste options) not copying row heights properly
- Hyperlink text formatting lost when new text is set
- Invalid Russian date format output
- Issue with SheetRender fonts
- Exception "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" when rendering MS Excel file to PDF
- Quotes appear in formula when retrieving the cell formula via Aspose.Cells
- Performance degradation when using conditional formatting
- Chart line is missing in XLSX->PNG conversion
- Problem with getActualChartSize method
- SmartArt doesn't copy when workbook is copied
- Text formatting is missing in HTML output of excel range
- Icon Sets become misaligned when XLSX is converted to HTML
- Exporting named range data is not correctly rendered to HTML (Java)
- Named Range Issue
- Validation always returns true for 'getInCellDropDown()' method
- Wrong culture custom format gets returned for different locales (Germany, French, Italy and Spain)
- Excel To PDF conversion - Gauge chart rendering issue
- PDF rendition throws OutOfMemoryError exception

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for Android documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Recognize self-closing tags
- Get Connection points from shape

Overview: Aspose.Cells for Android

Aspose.Cells for Android is a MS Excel spreadsheet component that allows programmer to develop android applications for reading, writing & manipulate Excel spreadsheets (XLS, XLSX, XLSM, SpreadsheetML, CSV, tab delimited) and HTML file formats without needing to rely on Microsoft Excel. It supports robust formula calculation engine, pivot tables, VBA, workbook encryption, named ranges, custom charts, spreadsheet formatting, drawing objects like images, OLE objects & importing or creating charts.

More about Aspose.Cells for Android

- Homepage of Aspose.Cells for Android
- Download Aspose.Cells for Android
- Online documentation of Aspose.Cells for Android
6 years ago
What’s new in this release?

Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.12 . As per regular monthly update process, attractive features and enhancement have been introduced in the latest release of the API to improve its usability and make it more user friendly. This release has added support for JDK 10 and 11. Now the API is compatible with latest JDKs and environment friendly. The API has been completely optimized to be compatible with both Java Versions and all maintenance tests were executed fine. Since the API is fully optimized to be used with Java 11 however, for some classes users should add external dependency to add classpath of the Class javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.HexBinaryAdapter, which was deleted from JRE. Furthermore, some API Classes are using JDK internal API i.e. java.base and java.desktop but, removal of such dependencies has been scheduled already and will be modifying API code accordingly to make it more efficient. Along with the features mentioned above, there are some useful enhancements and bug fixes also included in this release of the API, such as License Setting mechanism has been improved, Text Extraction Scenarios have been made better, PCL to PDF Conversion Engine has been improved and Font handling and rendering has been improved further. Some important improved features included in this release are given below

- Test compatibility with JDK 10
- Aspose.PDF compatibility with JDK 11
- NullPointerException while extracting text
- BadPaddingException while setting a license
- PCL to PDF - Resultant file is not correct
- The bold style configuration for some fonts isn't accepted.
- java.lang.ClassCastException while saving PDF

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.PDF for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.PDF for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Convert PCL file to PDF format
- Set Custom Form Field Font

Overview: Aspose.PDF for Java

Aspose.PDF is a Java PDF component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports Floating box, PDF form field, PDF attachments, security, Foot note & end note, Multiple columns document, Table of Contents, List of Tables, Nested tables, Rich text format, images, hyperlinks, JavaScript, annotation, bookmarks, headers, footers and many more. Now you can create PDF by API, XML and XSL-FO files. It also enables you to converting HTML, XSL-FO and Excel files into PDF.

More about Aspose.PDF for Java

- Homepage  of Aspose.PDF for Java
- Download Aspose.PDF for Java
- Read online documentation of Aspose.PDF for Java
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Diagram for .NET & Java 18.12 .  In this revision of the API, several enhancements have been incorporated as well as various fixes to earlier reported bugs have been included. It is always recommended to go through the release notes of the API before using it in your environment. There are some important enhacements included in this release, such as VISIO Diagram to Image conversion method,  Rendering of Shapes in diagram has been taken care for better results, Loading of Visio Diagrams has been improved & more. VISIO to PDF, VISIO to PNG and VISIO to GIF Conversion Engines have been further improved.  Here is the list of important enhancements and bugs fixes in the new version.

- The text content isn't centralized in the inserted block interval shape
- Dynamic connector not connecting the exact shape
- Shape.ToImage generates incorrect images for some Timeline and Calendar shapes
- API name is not showing agains PDF Producer/Creator field while generating PDF from VISIO diagrams
- VST to PDF export - the resultant PDF has two empty pages
- VSDX to PDF - Text color is incorrect in output
- Shapes are getting out of page boundaries
- Failure loading Visio file
- VSD to PNG/GIF - Parameter is not valid
- Number was less than lower bound
- Index out of bounds loading Visio
- Visio to PDF - missing shapes in output PDF
- Visio to PDF - incorrect shapes in output PDF
- VTX to HTML conversion, double line effect on shapes text items
- Corrupted file generated from GitHub example code

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Diagram for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Diagram for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Export Visio to HTML
- Export Microsoft Visio Drawing to PDF

Overview: Aspose.Diagram for .NET

Aspose.Diagram is a class library for working with MS Visio files & is a pure .NET alternate for MS Visio Object Model.It enables developers to work with VSD & VDX files on ASP.NET web applications, web services & Windows applications. It makes use of the advanced functionality of Visio's services to manipulate Visio docs on a server. Developer can open files & manipulate the elements of the diagram, from lines and fills, to more complex elements, and then export to native Visio formats or XML.

More about Aspose.Diagram for .NET

- Homepage of .NET Visio Component
- Download Aspose.Diagram for .NET
- Online documentation of Aspose.Diagram for .NET
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

The long awaited version of Aspose.Cells for Java 18.11 has been released. There are some important new features included in this release, such as added support for Strict Open XML format, Implement serialization with Strict Open XML format compliance, ChartData SetRange on a Pivot Table, Support to get effects by text-box paragraphs and Setting Callout for Doughnut chart. There are some important enhancements and bug fixes are part of this release, suchas  the extra space added after bullet list item, Extra space added in the slide title after open/save presentation, When presentation is loaded and saved, Shape.OfficeInteropShapeId property is changed, Glows effects lost on exporting to PDF, Gradient and shadow effects are lost for SmartArt shape in PDF, EndOfStreamException on loading PPT with macros, Logo missing on generated PDF, Background of image changes to blue in generated thumbnail, Exception on presentation load, Soft edges effects are lost in generated thumbnail, Exception while PPTX to PDF/A-1b conversion, Missing Navigatorshape in PDF and HTML, The footer’s font has changed after loading and saving, PPTX not properly converted to PDF, Issue on converting PPTX file to PDF, PDF not properly generated after addclone and many more. This list of new, improved and bug fixes in this release are given below

- Add support for Strict Open XML format.
- Implement serialization with Strict Open XML format compliance.
- ChartData SetRange on a Pivot Table.
- Support to get effects by text-box paragraphs.
- Setting Callout for Doughnut chart.
- The extra space added after bullet list item.
- Extra space added in the slide title after open/save presentation.
- When presentation is loaded and saved, Shape.OfficeInteropShapeId property is changed..
- Glows effects lost on exporting to PDF.
- Gradient and shadow effects are lost for SmartArt shape in PDF.
- EndOfStreamException on loading PPT with macros.
- Logo missing on generated PDF.
- Background of image changes to blue in generated thumbnail.
- Exception on presentation load.
- Soft edges effects are lost in generated thumbnail.
- Exception while PPTX to PDF/A-1b conversion.
- Missing Navigatorshape in PDF and HTML.
- The footer’s font has changed after loading and saving.
- PPTX not properly converted to PDF.
- Issue on converting PPTX file to PDF.
- PDF not properly generated after addclone.
- PptRead exception on loading presentation.
- Transparency not applied in generated result.
- Missing Puzzle Shape in generated PDF.
- PPTX to PDF not properly converted.
- Aspose.Slides creator information of deleted comments disappears.
- PPTX not properly converted to PDF.
- PPT to html not properly converted.
- Blank image appearing in exported PDF.
- PPT Chart values are getting changed.
- Animations getting lost while changing text in a placeholder.
- Exception on adding sections.
- OverflowException on saving presentation.
- InvalidDataException on saving presentation.
- Images are improperly rendered in generated PDF.
- Wrong chart data point fill color is returned on accessing.
- Bacground rendered wrong.
- PptxReadException on loading presentation.
- Chart lines are improperly rendered in generated thumbnail.
- Exception on saving charts from PPTX to PPT.
- PPT file failed to load and throw exception “An entry with the same key already exists”.
- Chart is improperly rendered in generated PDF.

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for Java documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Support to get effects by text-box paragraphs
- Setting Callout for Doughnut chart

Overview: Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells is a Java component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. Other features include creating spreadsheets, opening encrypted excel files, macros, VBA, unicode, formula settings, pivot tables, importing data from JDBC ResultSet and support of CSV, SpreadsheetML, PDF, ODS and all file formats from Excel 97 to Excel 2007. It is compatible with Windows, Linux & Unix and supports all advanced features of data management, formatting, worksheet, charting and graphics.

More about Aspose.Cells for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Cells for Java
- Download Aspose.Cells for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.Cells for Java
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

The new version of Aspose.BarCode for Java 18.12 has been released. The new release of Aspose.BarCode adds the ability to read dotted barcodes from Tiff images. The code sample is provided on blog announcement page that show how to read such barcodes.  Other than the ability to read dotted barcodes from Tiff images, XML serialization was enhanced and made compatible between .NET and Java. Salient features of this new Barcode generation includes

- Not able to read dotted BarCodes from TIFF images
- An exception occurs for tests related to XML serialization
- Unable to Read Complete BarCode Text
- Restore compatibility of serialized XML code between .NET and Java
- Improved the recognition of a 3D-distorted and rotated 2D-barcodes

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.BarCode for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.BarCode for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Read Barcodes in a Specific Order
- How to Read Barcode from Multi-page TIFF Images

Overview: Aspose.BarCode for Java

Aspose.BarCode is a Java based visual component for generation & recognition of 1D & 2D barcodes to support Java and web applications. It supports 29+ barcode symbologies like MSI, QR, OneCode, Australia Post, Aztec, Code128, Code11, EAN128, Codabar, Postnet, USPS and also supports image output in GIF, PNG, BMP & JPG formats. Other features include barcode size & color settings, rotation angle & caption. You can render barcodes to images, printers, HTTP servlet response & graphical objects too.

More about Aspose.BarCode for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.BarCode for Java
- Download Aspose.BarCode for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.BarCode for Java
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

Aspose development team is happy to announce the monthly release of Aspose.Words for Java 18.12 .  In old versions of Aspose.Words, handling of ‘hide mark element’ in a table cell for rendering document to fixed page format is according to MS Word 2013 behavior. Starting from Aspose.Words 18.12, it has changed this behavior and mimic MS Word 2016 behavior. In some situations, for “continuous” and “new column” section breaks, the behavior of MS Word 2016 is different from MS Word 2013 or an earlier version when document is converted to fixed file formats e.g. PDF, XPS. We have changed the behavior of Aspose.Words and now it mimics MS Word 2016. The behavior has changed for computing page numbers and for providing an empty facing page when adjacent pages have the same oddity.  This release has added new property in MetafileRenderingOptions class to control the scaling of fonts in WMF meta-file according to meta-file size on the page when rendering document to fixed file format. This property is used only when meta-file is rendered as vector graphics. By default, Aspose.Words uses font family names from source document and writes to HTML. Starting from Aspose.Words 18.12, you can resolve and substitute fonts according to FontSettings. Aspose team has added new property to achieve this.  Obsolete Property AllowTrailingWhitespaceForListItems was removed from LoadOptions Class. It has removed obsolete public API method ‘SetAsDefault’ from LoadOptions.LanguagePreferences in this version of Aspose.Words.  There are 108 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release, such as Java 11 compatibility is checked and updated, ExternalImageLibTest utility class added to check external image libraries on user side, Implemented WMF fonts scaling, according to metafile size on the page, and public option to control it, Improved the default font fallback mechanism to better fit the MW behavior, Optimized metafile from SVG rendering to skip redundant line segments, Fixed a bug that caused an exception when rendering metafiles filled with gradient, Fixed a bug with the order of legend items of the stacked DrawingML chart when rendering, Fixed a bug with text clipping when rendering the DrawingML charts, Fixed a bug with rendering of minor tick marks and clipping the rightmost bar of DrawingML charts, Fixed a bug with rendering data labels for points, located on the border of the DrawingML chart plot area, Implemented support for RTL comments rendering, e.g. Arabic, Improved hyphenation logic for multiple cases,  Improved page numbering for sections starting in new columns, Improved table row alignment, Improved tab stop calculations with paragraph indents, Improved table breaking logic for numerous complex cases, Improved handling of character compression within mixed ltr/rtl text, Fixed exception in rare case when field update causes line to contain only zero length spans, Fixed exception in rare case when floating object is pushed beyond empty column, Fixed layout when tables merge over the hidden paragraph and more.  The list of most notable new and improved features added in this release are given below

- Negative font spacing is not preserved after HTML round-trip
- Table rows not aligned
- Converting DOC to PDF moves some Table Rows to right
- Word to PDF Table Alignment Issue
- Remove public API method 'SetAsDefault' from LoadOptions.LanguagePreferences
- DOCX to PDF - invalid page count in the header
- Page numbers in footer not correct in rendered PDF
- Font size depend on metafile bbox aspect ratio
- DOCX to PDF - tables split across two pages
- DefaultFontName setting is not working for saving into HTML
- Floating table overlaps text when anchor is pushed to the next column
- Position of floating table is incorrect.
- Legends stretched on diagram when converted to PDF.
- Aspose.Words cannot load native Windows dll: URI scheme is not "file"
- Mail Merge generates incorrect numeric output
- - Image not visible in exported HTML
- Native Windows dll loading problem
- Inverted image fill while saving document to PDF.
- MailMergeWithRegions not working when DataRelation has multiple columns
- A method with Ref parameter is absent in Javadoc.
- Font of text is changed after conversion from DOCX to HTML
- Table's cell is lost after conversion from DOCX to HTML
- DOCX to PDF conversion issue with chart rendering
- Header not rendered
- Hyphenation in AW pdf output is different from MS Word
- Position of hyphen is different when converting Docx to Pdf
- Content is moved beyond the page
- INCLUDEPICTURE is lost during DOC to DOCX, WML and RTF conversion
- Invalid license signature error on calling License.SetLicense method
- Docx to Pdf conversion issue rotated text of Shape
- Table widths are not correct in PDF
- Part of content is moved to previous page upon rendering.
- Size of image inserted using INCLUDEPICTURE field is changed after converting to DOC
- Image CSS style is ignored and the image is rendered full size in the word
- Content controls linked to custom xml properties filled from SharePoint metadata are empty on conversion to pdf and doc (sdt)
- Different Foreign Language texts rendering as square boxes in PDF
- When converting DOC to PDF, bookmarks for TOT (Table Of Tables) & TOF (Table Of Figures) are not created
- Incorrect shape width when word wrap is OFF in text box properties
- Aspose.Words v18.3.0: NullReferenceExeption when saving table
- Invalid order of chart legend items after conversion to PDF
- The picture rendered incorrectly in PDF output
- Docx to Pdf conversion issue with table's width
- DOCX to PDF - content moved
- DOCX to PDF - content on page 2 is hidden
- MHTML to PDF - indented email text becomes single column
- Text of the chart user shape is clipped after converting to PDF
- The last data label is not rendered after converting to PDF
- DOCX to PDF/Jpeg conversion issue with Hindi font
- Content overlaps in generated PDF
- Document.getText() and Document.toString(SaveFormat.TEXT) do not return Text of EQ field
- Chart.Title.Text returns incorrect value
- Header hight with dynamically growing content is incorrerct in Pdf
- Problem with image alignment while converting to mhtml or html file
- Export width in percent for horizontal rules with images
- Issue with horizontal rule indentation when converting DOCX to HTML
- Font size in a table cell is changed during rendering
- SDT position is wrong after AcceptAllRevisions
- Put evaluation marks above all other content
- Arrow Shape do not render correctly after DML-to-VML conversion
- UpdateFields method recreates bookmarks used in the ToC
- Document.UpdateFields does not update the TOC field
- PDF is converted from DOCX as raw XML fragment

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Words for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Words for performing different tasks like the followings.

- WMF Fonts Scaling According to Metafile Size on the Page
- Resolve and Substitute Fonts According to FontSettings

Overview: Aspose.Words

Aspose.Words is a word processing component that enables .NET, Java & Android applications to read, write and modify Word documents without using Microsoft Word. Other useful features include document creation, content and formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, reporting features, TOC updated/rebuilt, Embedded OOXML, Footnotes rendering and support of DOCX, DOC, WordprocessingML, HTML, XHTML, TXT and PDF formats (requires Aspose.Pdf). It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. You can even use Aspose.Words for .NET to build applications with Mono.

More about Aspose.Words

- Homepage of Java Word Library
- Download Aspose.Words for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.Words for .NET
6 years ago
What’s new in this release?

The long awaited version of Aspose.Slides for Java 18.12 has been released. It has included support for some new features along with resolution of outstanding issues incurring in API. It enhanced performance for presentation export to PDF. There some important enhancements and bug fixes also part of this release, such as enhanced text export to PDF, Exception resolved on loading presentation, Enhanced EMF images rendering, Date Changed after saving PPT to PPTX, Wrong outline gradient direction, Font changed after converting PPTX to PDF, Spaces lost in generated Thumbnail, Font substitution not rendering non-latin character-based languages correctly, PPTX not properly converted to PDF and PPTX not properly converted to PDF and many more. This list of new, improved and bug fixes in this release are given below

- Slow performance when exporting presentation to PDF
- Enhanced EMF images rendering
- able disappears while converting PPT to PDF
- Text is not exported to PDF.
- Presentation repair message on loading Aspose generated presentation
- Exception on loading presentation.
- Date Changed after saving PPT to PPTX.
- Wrong outline gradient direction.
- Font changed after converting PPTX to PDF.
- Spaces lost in generated Thumbnail.
- Font substitution not rendering non-latin character-based languages correctly.
- PPTX not properly converted to PDF.

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Slides for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Slides for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Converting PPT to PPTX
- Converting Presentation to PDF

Overview: Aspose.Slides for Java

Aspose.Slides is a Java component to create, read, write and modify a PowerPoint document without using Microsoft PowerPoint. It supports PHP applications and provides all advanced features for managing presentations, slides, shapes, tables and supports PPT, POT, POS PowerPoint formats. Now you can add, access, copy, clone, edit and delete slides in your presentations. It also supports audio & video frames, adding pictures, text frames and saving presentations as streams or SVG format.

More about Aspose.Slides for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Slides for Java
- Download Aspose.Slides for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.Slides for Java

6 years ago
What’s new in this release?

Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.11 . In this revision of the API, conversion engines have been further improved in order to convert PDF documents into other file formats. Several bugs which were reported in earlier version(s) of the API have also been rectified. Along with that, resource optimization of PDF documents has been improved in terms of performance.  It was observed that execution time of OptimizeResources method was slow in earlier version(s) of the API which was due to slow image compression. In this release of the API, new image compression algorithms have been implemented which work faster and users can optimize PDF documents in an improved and faster way. The sample code snippet on blog announcement page can be used to optimize PDF resources using new implemented properties. Along with the features mentioned above, there are some useful improvement also included in this release of the API, such as implemented precise coordinate calculations for characters, Improvements have been made for working with Form Fields, Hyperlink Alignment issues have been rectified, Improved PDF Printing time taken by the API, Color corrections have been made during PDF to TIFF conversion, Table Extraction and Manipulation algorithms have further been enhanced, Functionality to support text and fonts has been added for PDF/UA format and many more. Some important improved features included in this release are given below

- Long time to extract text
- Improved PDF to PPTX conversion
- Add taggedPdfTextBlockelement
- Add text block named element
- Improve OptimizeResources performance
- HTML to PDF - ArgumentNullException is occurring
- PDF to TIFF - ArgumentException is being generated
- HTML to PDF - Formatting issues in resultant file
- HTML to PDF: Table background-color style is not working
- PDF to Execl: cells data merges to a single cell in output
- PDF to TIFF: output image missing text
- PDF to XLS - Error appears when viewing resultant file
- When using Custom font, SuperScript is not being honored
- Incorrect Character width and X coordinate information
- PDF to EXCEL results in a corrupt file
- Not all characters are resized in PDF field
- Hyperlink Alignment issue
- TextState properties are not being applied in HeaderFooter
- PDF to PDF/A - NullReferenceException during PDF/A conversion
- TIFF to PDF - OutOfMemoryException during conversion
- Adding svg into table cell from disk API throws ArgumentException
- Which TIFF versions Aspose.Pdf for .NET supports
- PDF printing takes several minutes
- Exception when trying to add SVG image stream to PDF
- Black background is appearing while adding SVG into PDF
- PDF to TIFF - Text of lighter color is missing in output image
- SVG turned out to be black and white while adding into table
- JPG to PDF - output document failed to open in Adobe Reader
- PDF to PDF/A-1b - the output PDF does not pass compliance test
- HtmlFragment moves content to next page
- Cannot add local hyperlink to the text of table cell
- Cannot extract table and its data using TableAbsorber
- IsBlank property true when page is not blank
- PDF to PPTX - System.InvalidOperationException Exception occurred
- Preflight log contains fonts related problems
- Highlight Annotation hides/redacts the text after merging annotations
- Slow processing of document
- Setting Cell.ColSpan to 4 leads to invalid render of graphs and text
- NullReferenceException when validating or converting a PDF/A
- The text extraction takes much time
- PDFA output contains more than one XREF subsection
- Document is not PDF/A compatible after conversion
- Output document isn't PDFA_2A compliant
- Implement functionality to support fonts and text for PDF/UA format
- PDF to PPTX export - index out of bound error occurred
- TIFF to PDF - Dark Colors are converted as black in output

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.PDF for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.PDF for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Optimize PDF File Size
- Optimize PDF Document for the Web

Overview: Aspose.PDF for Java

Aspose.PDF is a Java PDF component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports Floating box, PDF form field, PDF attachments, security, Foot note & end note, Multiple columns document, Table of Contents, List of Tables, Nested tables, Rich text format, images, hyperlinks, JavaScript, annotation, bookmarks, headers, footers and many more. Now you can create PDF by API, XML and XSL-FO files. It also enables you to converting HTML, XSL-FO and Excel files into PDF.

More about Aspose.PDF for Java

- Homepage  of Aspose.PDF for Java
- Download Aspose.PDF for Java
- Read online documentation of Aspose.PDF for Java
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for Java 18.11 . In this release, the support for JDK 11 has been added. Now users can use either -jdk17 or -jdk18 library versions on JRE 11 environment. This release also brings several improvements to the API functionality in terms of enhancements. It also fixes issues reported with the earlier version of the API. This release also includes several improvements that further enhance the API functionality, such as Project Reading functionality, Tsk.ActualDuration field calculation on changing of Tsk.ActualWork, Working with Timephased data in output MSP file, Working with duration of summary tasks with two assignments, Calculation of time phased data, Reading of ResourceFlag4, Import of Tasks’ guides from Primavera DB and Import of Calendars from Primavera DB.  Below is the complete list of bug fixes and enhanced features included in this release.

- Aspose.Tasks compatibility for JDK 11
- The type of summary task must be fixed as TaskType.FixedDuration
- Project Reading Exception
- Make AT calculate Tsk.ActualDuration field on changing of Tsk.ActualWork
- Incorrect time phased data in output MSP file
- Project Reading Exception
- Incorrect duration of summary tasks with two assignments
- Incorrect calculation of time phased data in particular cases
- Summary tasks have an incorrect duration in particular cases
- ResourceFlag4 isn't read correctly.
- Tasks' guides are imported incorrectly from Primavera DB
- Calendars are imported incorrectly from Primavera DB
- Remove a set of actual fields while assigning resource

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Tasks for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Tasks for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Reading a Project File
- Render Project to Multipage TIFF

Overview: Aspose.Tasks for Java

Aspose.Tasks is a non-graphical Java Project management component that enables Java applications to read, write & manage Project documents without utilizing MS Project. It supports reading MS Project Template (MPT) files as well as allows exporting project data to HTML, BMP, PNG, JPEG, PDF, TIFF, XPS, XAML and SVG formats. It reads & writes MS Project documents in both MPP & XML formats.  Developers can read & change tasks, recurring tasks, resources, resource assignments, relations & calendars.

More about Aspose.Tasks for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Tasks for Java
- Download Aspose.Tasks for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.Tasks for Java
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Diagram for .NET & Java 18.11 .  In latest release of the API, new enhancements for VISIO Diagrams to SVG Conversion have been introduced. New Boolean Property i.e. SVGFitToViewPort has been introduced in order to save VISIO Diagram into SVG with Fit to View Port property. Along with that, support of custom Date String format setter is also added in latest version of the API. Some issues which were reported in earlier version of the API are also fixed in this release. It is also recommended to check release notes of latest version of the API before using it in users environment. There are some useful fixes which have been included in the latest version of the API, such as Improved Shape.ToImage method in order to produce better output, Improvements have been made to the renderers to render non-English characters in output as well as VSDX to PDF, VSDX to Image, VSD to HTML and VISIO to SVG Conversion Engines have been further improved.  Here is the list of important enhancements and bugs fixes in the new version.

- MilestoneHelper - Add support of custom date string format setter
- Add an option to set ViewBox in SaveOptions for SVG
- Shape.ToImage method is not generating correct images
- Aspose.Diagram creates SVG with guidelines and MS Visio does not
- Shape.ToImage method returns blank images in case of copy of the page
- Shape.ToImage method is not generating correct images
- VSDX to PDF - Missing Text Blocks
- VSDX to image results in StackOverFlowException
- JpegQuality does not make any effect on output JPEG document
- API name is not showing agains PDF Producer/Creator field while generating PDF from VISIO diagrams
- VSD to HTML - Quality is bad
- Exception when generating Visio to SVG with background
- Some Chinese character are missing in the output
- Blank PDF is being obtained after converting from VSDX

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Diagram for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Diagram for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Convert Visio Shape to PDF
- Export Microsoft Visio Drawing to SVG

Overview: Aspose.Diagram for .NET

Aspose.Diagram is a class library for working with MS Visio files & is a pure .NET alternate for MS Visio Object Model.It enables developers to work with VSD & VDX files on ASP.NET web applications, web services & Windows applications. It makes use of the advanced functionality of Visio's services to manipulate Visio docs on a server. Developer can open files & manipulate the elements of the diagram, from lines and fills, to more complex elements, and then export to native Visio formats or XML.

More about Aspose.Diagram for .NET

- Homepage of .NET Visio Component
- Download Aspose.Diagram for .NET
- Online documentation of Aspose.Diagram for .NET

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - Your File Format Experts
[email protected]
Phone: 903.306.1676
Fax: 866.810.9465
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

Aspose team is pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Html for Java 18.11 . . It is majorly a maintenance release which includes fixes for the issues which were incurring in previous versions of the API. Moreover, some internal changes have also been made in this release along with other improvements. Few exceptions including ClassCastException, NullPointerException and HeadlessException have also been resolved in latest version of Aspose.HTML for Java API. As it is always recommend for the customers to use the latest version of the API, please visit the release Notes section to download the latest version. In case of any inquiry, regarding Aspose.HTML for Java API, please feel free to create a topic and post a query on the support Forums. Below is the list of new and enhanced features included in this release.

- java.awt.HeadlessException
- ClassCastException in com.aspose.html.HTMLInputElement
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException in -
- Hard urls for saving intermediate images present
- NullPointerException raised during HTML to PDF conversion
- Exception while working with latest jar
- Saving intermediate debug images to disk
- HTML to PNG image conversion

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Html for Java documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.Html for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Loading an existing HTML document
- HTML to XPS Conversion

Overview: Aspose.Html for Java

Aspose.Html for Java is an advanced HTML manipulation API that enables developers to perform a wide range of HTML manipulation tasks directly within Java applications. This API offers the capabilities to create as well as manipulate HTML files within users Java applications. It also provides the features to iterate through HTML elements, Nodes, extract CSS information, edit or remove HTML nodes, configure a document sandbox which affects the processing of CSS styles, rendering of HTML to PDF, XPS or raster image formats and much more.

More about Aspose.Html for Java

- Homepage for Aspose.Html for Java
- Download Aspose.Html for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.Html for Java

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - Your File Format Experts
[email][email protected][/email]
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

The long awaited version of Aspose.Cells for Java 18.11 has been released. It contains enhancements and bugs resolution for many of the issues. Smart art is addressed in this release such that text can be updated in the shapes. This feature will enable users to modify these objects at runtime rather than fixed text in the shapes. Last section on this page contains more details and links about this product. Pivot tables are very common reports which are present in the workbooks. These reports are updated time by time and it is important to know the last time when report was updated for better decision making. Aspose.Cells has provided this feature by introducing property RefreshDate. Similarly name of the person who updated the pivot table is also provided as property RefreshedByWho. Smart art is used for better representation of information however earlier the text in the smart art shapes was fixed. This limitation is gone now as now smart art text can be updated. For this purpose shape.setText() function is introduced which sets new text in the smart art shape. Data validation is done in variety of ways to control the input in the Excel file. Like limit can be defined for a cell within which some number can be entered, otherwise error message is raised. Issues were faced for validation of large numbers like 12345678901 etc. in the past but now this much large numbers are supported by Aspose.Cells. Aspose.Cells has introduced rendering active worksheet in a workbook to SVG. For this purpose load an Excel file into workbook object and set the active sheet index like for Sheet2, set index to 1. Then save the Workbook as SVG which will render active worksheet to SVG. There are some other enhancements included and a few exceptions handled in the new release for the users. A few of the worth mentioning features and other improvements includes wrong count of validation values is read from XLSX, Issue while treating consecutive delimiters as distinct, Date format is incorrect for Japanese locale, Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) crashes when using it concurrently in a multi user environment and Resolving issues in getting actual chart size. Below are some important new features, enhancement and bug fixes part of this release.

- Wrong count of validation values is read from XLSX
- Issue while treating consecutive delimiters as distinct
- Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (Java) crashes when using it concurrently in a multi user environment
- Chart line is missing in XLSX->PNG conversion
- Problem with getActualChartSize method
- SmartArt doesn't copy when workbook is copied

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for Java documentation that may guide users briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Render active worksheet in a workbook
- Replace text in smart art

Overview: Aspose.Cells for Java

Aspose.Cells is a Java component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. Other features include creating spreadsheets, opening encrypted excel files, macros, VBA, unicode, formula settings, pivot tables, importing data from JDBC ResultSet and support of CSV, SpreadsheetML, PDF, ODS and all file formats from Excel 97 to Excel 2007. It is compatible with Windows, Linux & Unix and supports all advanced features of data management, formatting, worksheet, charting and graphics.

More about Aspose.Cells for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.Cells for Java
- Download Aspose.Cells for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.Cells for Java

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd,
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - The .NET and Java component publisher
[email][email protected][/email]
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465
6 years ago
What is new in this release?

The new version of Aspose.BarCode for Java 18.11 has been released. This is one of the major releases whereby Aspose team has included support for Java 10 and Java 11 in API.  This release added new Decode Types in the API for better recognition of Barcodes. Enums names have also been changed to bring them in line with Java naming conventions. The new release of Aspose.Barcode provides additional Decode types which enhance the performance and ease of reading barcodes. Other than the addition of decode types, there are a number of other enhancements made to the API in this release, such as  Barcode reader has been enhanced with improved detection of 3D-distorted barcodes or 2D-rotated barcodes & CODE39 barcodes, GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked barcode passes the GS1 Canada barcode verification, users can now constrain the region for barcode detection to improve performance, Enhanced MicrE13B for safe bitmap access, Generate Databar Extended Stacked Barcode with 7 rows, Implemented license setting with Open JDK 11 and Improved API performance. Salient features of this new Barcode generation includes

- Bring enums names into line with Java naming conventions
- Add new barcode subsets to DecodeType
- Not able to detect the barcode
- Improved the recognition of a 3D-distorted and rotated 2D-barcodes
- Improved the recognition of a 3D-distorted QR code
- Add minor fixes to BarCodeReader
- DataBar Expanded Stacked barcode did not pass GS1 Canda barcode verification
- Barcode CODE39 reading problem
- Barcode Detection does not constrain to the defined region.
- Add fix to MicrE13B for safe bitmap access
- Obfuscated jar throws unreadable exception "class Wrong filename passed"
- BarCodeGenerator throws NullPointerException exception
- Not able to generate DATABAR_EXPANDED_STACKED with 7 rows
- SetLicense Problem with Open JDK 11

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.BarCode for Java documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.BarCode for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Get BarCode Recognition Quality in Percent
- Units based BarCode Generation

Overview: Aspose.BarCode for Java

Aspose.BarCode is a Java based visual component for generation & recognition of 1D & 2D barcodes to support Java and web applications. It supports 29+ barcode symbologies like MSI, QR, OneCode, Australia Post, Aztec, Code128, Code11, EAN128, Codabar, Postnet, USPS and also supports image output in GIF, PNG, BMP & JPG formats. Other features include barcode size & color settings, rotation angle & caption. You can render barcodes to images, printers, HTTP servlet response & graphical objects too.

More about Aspose.BarCode for Java

- Homepage of Aspose.BarCode for Java
- Download Aspose.BarCode for Java
- Online documentation of Aspose.BarCode for Java

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - The .NET and Java component publisher
[email protected]
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465
6 years ago