I wanted to use GDSSecurities's PMD (
https://github.com/GDSSecurity/GDSPMDSECRULES) rule set for my development code. But those ruleset depends upon pmd-gds-1.0.jar which is GDS's custom jar. To resolve the jar dependency I have added pmd-gds-1.0.jar into my Eclipse's PMD plugin folder's lib directory. I also added the jar's details into MANIFEST.MF for PMD plugin under Bundle-ClassPath section. Following are the my environment details.
Eclipse Version: Helios Service Release 2 20110218-0911
PMD Plugin version: net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse.plugin_3.2.6.v200903300643
But whenever I tries to import the rule set I am getting following error.
I am not able to figure out that what is going wrong.
Any help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance.