Deeps Prav

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since Mar 16, 2010
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Recent posts by Deeps Prav

hi Knolf ,
Can I use the converter method in seam also.Because I have tried using the converter method.But it is saying that converter not found?Can this be because I am using it in seam?Please help.
14 years ago
Hi all,
I am using jboss-seam-2.2.0.GA and ricfaces.In my application I want to preload my piclist with values from backend. My picklist is

<rich:pickList id="pickuser" copyAllControlLabel="AssignAll"
copyControlLabel="Assign" removeAllControlLabel="UnAssign All"
removeControlLabel="UnAssign" listsHeight="200"
value="#{userRoles.selectedUsers}" >
<f:selectItems value="#{userRoles.userNameList}" />

and the corresponding seam component is :

public class UserRolesBean implements UserRoles {
private List<SelectItem> userNameList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
private List selectedUsers = new ArrayList();

private List<SelectItem> userNameList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();

//setters and getters

I have set the selectedUsers with the list of selected users form backend.But it was not getting displayed on the target list of picklist.

I have also tried using a converter.But then I gort error converter not found.If anyone have any idea please share.

14 years ago
Hi all,
Can anyone please tell me which approch is preffered while creating charts in ireports(jasper reports),dataset approach or subreport approach?
Is it possible to customise sorting order of the crosstab component in ireport?
I want the row values of the crosstab get displayed in the same order as I give,without doing any sorting.
Can this be done?
But again the thing is , this is just a matter of displaying the range axis label. But my requirement is to change the scale itself.
Is there any way to get that done?
Yes... its working. Thaks so much for the support.
Thaks for such fast replies. Everything else is fine.But my doubt is how shall I override the Number Format to get the resullt?
Thanks so much for that reply.

Actually I want the scaling to be something like 0,10,20,30,35,40,45 50,60,70,80 ..
Thats in the beginning and at the end the scale interval is 10,but in the midrange it is 5.Something like this is my requirement.Can this be attained in the way you said?
If yes can you please explain it a little more?

Can anyone tell me if we can set uneven interval for range axis in JFreechart? If yes hw can I do that?
