Not necessarilly, we do that for applications in JBoss which is authentcated by Tivoli Access Manager and it doesnt force users to re loginFernando Franzini wrote:
But that will stop solution for a few seconds losing active sessions from users. They need to re-authenticate....
Sivakumar Paramjothi wrote:Last week I cleared Part 1, thanks to all who shared lot of inputs for the part 1 Qs posted. I have below questions w.r.t Part 2 & 3, appreciate your assistance in clarifying these....
1. Do I need to complete the mandatory course before taking up Part 2/3...? I did see someone writing a comment that part 2 & 3 were completed without the mandatory course, but wanted to confirm.
No, you don't need to take Training to complete parts 2 and 3. However you get the results of parts 2 and 3 once you submit the asssignment and appear the essay exam.
You will get the certification kit only when you complete the training and submit the course completion form
2. What is the min. level of hands on architecting experience needed for Parts 2/3..? I'm now transitioning from managerial role to technical role, hence I struggled a lot to barely pass part 1 since it was way above estimated level of complexity and hands on experience was apparent need.
You need to be well versed and experienced with all J2EE technologies. eg: JSP, Servlets, JSF, EJB, JMS / MQ, Web Services / SOAP / JAXP / JAX-WS/ JAX-RS, JPA etc
You should be able to design a project based on J2EE including interfaces to external systems and so on
As far as I am concerned, you need to be a good developer to be able to design a project. However you don't need to write a single line of code in SCEA assignment
3. What is the mode of delivering part 2..?
A JAR file. You get the naming convention and details once you download the assignment
4. I assume part 3 is class room exam (just like part 1) and part 3 Qs are on the solution delivered as part of part 2. Is that correct?
part 3 questions are general; but the answers should be based on the assignment in part 2
please refer Cade book for more details. Good luck with PART 2 and PART 3 !