Olga Flasza

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since Mar 26, 2010
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Recent posts by Olga Flasza

Hi, I am having problem downloading the android source in windows. Please have a look at here AOSP Community. I posted message here under the username bee.

Thanks for your help.
13 years ago
I have downloaded the chapters. I have no idea what Erlang is! I will try to find it out.
And who don't want to win a free copy?
Hi did you solve the problem? I am also getting such error using 2.5.2. But when I try with different SDKs in Netbeans the code works fine. Any ideas guys?
14 years ago
Hi, glad to know that! Hope you are also receiving those data successfully ;) I am also a newbie.. can you please put here some code of yours so that I understand. many thanks
14 years ago
Yes the Canvas class provides three callback method keyPress(), keyReleased() and keyRepeated(). As the name suggest they are called when you do something with the key. As far as I understand, the Board class need to implement CommandListener interface because it included a exit command. The must have method for CommandListener class is commandAction() method, So you need to exclusively define this method in the Board Class which extends Canvas class and implements the CommandListener Interface.
14 years ago
I thought this might help you
14 years ago
I am not sure, but I think you need to use canvas and draw and redraw string on that canvas
14 years ago
Hi, I guess your question is not clear. You want to
# Store images in the device?
# Pick up a image from the device memory location?
14 years ago
hi, can you point me how to get phone book details? many thanks
14 years ago
Hi Alex, Thanks for your nice clarification.. do you have any code for php & mysql on the server side?
It has become quite hard for me trying to use php & mysql. I solved it somehow.. but as HTTP 1.1 requires data to be sent as 'chunk' from I need to create HTTP connection each time to send each 'chunk'. It would not be a problem if I don't need to ask the MIDlet user every time for internet connection, which is disturbing. Finally, I found out I need to sign the MIDlet to get rid of such situation.. and I need to buy some key or what. I still don't know much about it.
Any help is greatly appreciated
14 years ago
Finally got it. It is in directory:

It created 9 directory named 1,2...9 in work directory every directory containing same structure....

at present I am not sure which # folder is working directory for current running application, even though it solved my problem
14 years ago
The J2ME Wireless Toolkit emulator sets aside a directory on your desktop computer's hard disk,
/<toolkit>/appdb/DefaultColorPhone/filesystem, to hold representations of a mobile device's file-system roots.
It then uses the FileConnection APIs to give MIDlets access to files stored in subdirectories of filesystem.
The emulator comes with one root directory already installed, called root1, which contains the file Readme.
In the toolkit emulator, each immediate subdirectory of filesystem is treated as a root.

My Question is where is this location if I use NetBeans IDE for devloping my MIDLet?? I am using Netbeans 6.8 and windows XP.

Thanks in advance.

14 years ago