AbderRahman Ali

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since Mar 29, 2010
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I think this book would be a good choice:

The Art of Agile Devel­op­ment, James Shore & Shane War­den

jacob deiter wrote:what are the difference between class diagram and sequence diagram?

- Class diagram: It is a UML diagram that illustrates classes, interfaces, and their associations. And, it is used for static object modeling.
- Sequence diagram: It is a UML diagram that illustrates how objects (Instance of a class) interact with each other. And, it is used for dynamic object modeling.


Applying UML and Patterns, Craig Larman

[jc: Corrected the name of Mr. Larman]
Maybe you can take a look at those two books:

1- Learning UML 2.0, Russ Miles & Kim Hamilton
2- Applying UML and Patterns, Craig Larman

[jc: corrected name of Mr. Larman]