madhuri kunchala

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since Mar 30, 2010
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Recent posts by madhuri kunchala

its my project requirement that i need to enter the values separated by commas..but i m not getting..any help regarding this.
i had implemented that one..if i do i m getting all the data irrespective of the is the code.

what the problem with my code
use response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store");
13 years ago
i tried that one im mysql query editor im getting...but i need to implement that code in java...can you suggest me how..i tried..but unable to get it.
if i give only one value i.e., app1 im getting.. the output correct output i.e., the corresponding values ... and the query is

if i give multiple values in text box i.e., app1, not getting any output.. and the query is showing like this if i give two values.

what goes wrong with my query...
i need to get the data which is entered in text field..i had written the query in java..but i m unable to get the values..can you help me is the query.

browseRequest.getTags()--from here i m getting the tag names

any help
When the code gets executed,it goes to default constructor i.e. it goes to Line 5 there 'this' is called it means it goes to corresponding super class.
13 years ago
im facing problem in getting the names of particular id..i.e.,
col_name ---- col_id
test ---- id1
test1 --- id1
here is my query

can any one help me out.
in my application..i need to select either 'true' or 'false'..i need is to get validated..but unable to do is my code

and jsp page is

1) if jsp page is opened and if submit button is pressed then it is asking 'Select any one'
2) if i selected any one value and submit button is pressed..eventhough it is asking 'Select any one' and default it is taking 'False'
can any one help me out..>
14 years ago
i used validations in Struts 2 using <validators> im facing problem with the 'Integer' type value here is the code

if i run the application..
1) if i leave 'Width' textbox empty it is showing 'Width is required' it is working fine
2) if i enter string values i.e., 'abc' is should not take and populate the error as 'Width is number'...but im getting as 'Width is required'
Can any one help me this
14 years ago
hi ravindar,
i got what you suggested...but i didnt used any javascript in my application..i used interceptors and here is my configuration file...
14 years ago
i had used theme="simple" in all my application..for upload it is working..but not for "manage" page ..changed the follows
14 years ago
any help regarding my post...i had declared error method in is the code

14 years ago
here is my jsp code
14 years ago