Srimoyee Misra

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since Apr 01, 2010
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Recent posts by Srimoyee Misra


I am trying to create a EAR file instead of a WAR file and I have been able to create my EAR file but when I try to build the EAR file using Maven, I get the following error :

org.apache.maven.reactor.MavenExecutionException: Could not find the model file 'C:\Dev\EARProject\core'. for project unknown
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.getProjects(

Please guide me about why it should be happening.

14 years ago

I deployed my war file on my local machine where I use Jetty and it works absolutely fine and as expected.

But when i try to deploy the same war in websphere(on windows) it first loads the requested page and below that it loads the 404 error page.

Any pointers on why it can possibly happen?? Do i need to provide any other infomartion in this regard.

14 years ago

I have a application comprising of a lot of JSP's and all the jsp's have a common header and footer jsp. There is a search functionality which is common across all the JSP's but we do not want that search option to be there in the login.jsp. The login.jsp makes use of ama.jsp which internally calls ama_header.jsp where this search functionality is included. Can you guide me how to establish this. Can i Make use of C:if ?? If so then how??

Do i need to provide more information for get help.

Can i do something like this ?
<c:if test="${pageScope.pgePathInfo != '/login'}" >
<jsp:include page="/common/goto_code.jsp" />

14 years ago

I have a login.jsp and I am using it to login to my application. Even after I am logged in as a admin the "Sign In" still shows up. Any pointers on why it must be appearing.

14 years ago

There is something call as a cross domain Dojo as per this document :

I just found it on the net, so is it not possible to do it by using cross domain dojo??

Can this problem be solved using Jquery instead??

Hii All,

I have created my JSP with some functionalities written in Dojo for displaying a tabbed page and with click of every tab appropriate page needs to show up. All the html pages are stored in the webserver and needs to get loaded from there.I have made use of dijit.TabContainer and dijit.Contentpane. In contentpane we can make use of href to point to htmls in the same domain so when i put var page2 = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({title :"B",href :"Tree.html"}); it works but when i do something like var page1 = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({title :"A",setHref :"http://2k3-ws-rsc/root/cm/data/CPT0001.html"}) it doesnt. Please find my code below :

Can someone please help.
