Jesse Miller

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since Apr 05, 2010
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Also, when I refresh the page the data stays the same. If I launch the applet again in a new tab then the data is correct but never updates after the initial load, same as before. This is really puzzling..I can see everything working in the background but nothing gets updated on the screen.
14 years ago
The timer counts down and when it reaches 0 it prompts a panel.repaint(). The panel has many rectangles on it that are filled with different colors. The server call updates an array that tells the jpanel what color to paint each component. Do you want the code?
14 years ago
Yea, Ive been watching the Console. I put in several system.out.println to follow the execution of everything and the Java Console from the Applet is the same as that from my NetBeans IDE. And there are no error messages. Its just not repainting as far as I can tell...
14 years ago
Well, it connects to the service initially to get data and populate the jPanel. But it never connects again, so it never updates the jPanel. I would think that if it was able to connect the first time then being able to connect to the web service would not be the problem. I was thinking that is was some problem with actually repainting the jPanel. Do you think differently?
14 years ago
I have a jApplet that contacts a web service every minute to update the content that it displays on a jPanel. When I run the applet in my NetBeans IDE it works fine, I have a countdown timer that shows when the panel will be updated and it updates at the correct time. But when I publish this applet as a Web Start or embed it as an applet, the repainting does not work. The countdown timer still works but the content of the jPanel is never updated. What is going on? Thanks

14 years ago
Ok, which layout manager would handle automatic resizing of jPanels inside jFrames best?
14 years ago
I cant create a custom HTML file on request. My applet is embedded inside a page with a large amount of external headers, footers and navigation panels that I cant really duplicate with my JSP. But can I create a custom JNLP and simply reference that from the HTML? Ideas?
14 years ago
Ok, I understand your opposition to code-generation. I am trying to scrap my generated code and just start from the ground up. The frame that all of these panels are in is re sizable, I need to make each of the panels re size with the frame. Any ideas what layout I could use to do this?
14 years ago
I have a jApplet that I need to pass parameters to. I would like to be able to use something like http://myserver/myapplet.html?params=NAME~John to bring up the applet in my page and pass the NAME parameter to my applet. Is this possible? Thanks
14 years ago
I have created a Java Desktop Application with NetBeans 6.9 IDE. The application consists of several panels. Three of these panels have simple rectangles drawn on them with different fill colors. The other panels have a jFreeChart drawn on them. What I would like to do is to place a background image behind everything let all of the panels have transparent backgrounds so the image will show through. Can anyone take me through how to do this using the NetBeans IDE? Thanks

14 years ago
ok, but how do I update the dataset? I see that the Series has an update function but I dont know of anything like this for a piechart dataset.
14 years ago
So I just discovered jFreeChart and ive been playing around with it. I am creating a PieChart that pulls information from a web service to get its data. I would like to update this chart every minute by calling the web service again and changing the dataset values. I know that once the dataset values are changed the action listener on the Pie Chart will automatically update the chart. Ive included my code, can anyone tell me how to best implement this timer? Thanks

14 years ago
Ok, Iv researched a little bit and have been able to set up a HTML form to submit a HTTP POST request and then a PHP script on the back end to accept it and place the file in an upload directory on my server. This works 100%. But now I need to get this functionality in my Java code. The applet I wrote will create a temporary XML file on the users computer but when the user chooses to save all changes it will upload the entire file to the server. I basically need the functionality of the HTML form that I attached in Java code. I imagine I can just use the same PHP script that I have attached as well. Could anyone start me off with some code or specific examples? Thanks


PHP Script

14 years ago
I need to do this upload anonymously so doing it by FTP would probably not work. On researching some more it seems that servlets might be what im looking for. But I am still a little unsure of what is required to implement a servlet. What is required server-side to place the uploaded file in a directory and what is required client side to initiate the upload from the local computer? Thanks
14 years ago
I am a little unsure of how to approach this so I am open for suggestions. I have an Applet that pulls data from a web server. The user can change the data but when they press a SAVE button I need to write some data in the form of a XML file back to a folder on the server. Right now I have nothing but server space that houses my Applet. What is the best way to go about this? Thanks
14 years ago