Jiten Kothari

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since Apr 08, 2010
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Recent posts by Jiten Kothari

Does anyone know how to store multiple files in memory and then retrieve multiple as file object, then clear the memory once the process is over.
Here I am storing it in disk, but my requirement is to store in memory, not in disk
please see comments

Any help is appreciated

13 years ago
I got the solution to the problem. I wanted to add more then one file to multi part entity and then submit group of files at same time to http post request.
Thanks for the help

here is the solution code

13 years ago
Hi Experts,
I am trying to upload all the files at once through http post request. Previously it passing the document one by one and I need to pass all at once.
this is what I wrote the code so but I am getting error groovy cast exception error which I wrote on comment.
any help will be appreciated.

13 years ago
there you go

use this method for output

14 years ago

14 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:

And, putting Java code in a JSP is no longer a good practice. Time to move on to more modern techniques.

then what is the good practice? where to put java code? what do you put in jsp? only JSTL?
please let me know
14 years ago
Hello Genius,
I kept trying and look all over the google.
my question is how do I iterate to next button and new result should come from listerator on button click above
all the data stored in list collection

this is my test.jsp file

any help will be appreciate
thanks in advance
14 years ago