Pedro Kowalski wrote: I've tested it and it doesn't follow the DD order, so - watch out for this guys :-)
Nancy Antony wrote: when I donot write any constructor in my class Java provides one, which we usually say that intializes the instance variables to their default values
but I think default construtor doesn't do anything as any variable screated on heap is automatically initialized, am I right?
What does constructor returns ? Current Object i.e this that means object reference as this is a reference to the current object. So I understand the process as such. new allocates memry and constructor is called by passing this to the constructor and the only code which is present in default constructor is return this and in paramterized constructor , return this statement is automatically added?
Adolfo Eloy there any kind of software to query on the pool? any JVM tool or kind of debugger? ... But, does anybody knows about a way to inspect the String pool efficiently?
why string is immutable and why all wrapper class are immutable i know these are valued object but i don't get this
Henry Wong wrote: Because of type erasure, both methods come out to the same signature.
The only reason I can think of is because C is apart of the same inheritance tree as B and B implements m
If true then the implicit script language variable named session of type javax.servlet.http.HttpSession references the current/new session for the page.
is correct. The basic reason for this behavior can be known if you observe how the container translates both .jsp files into their correspoding servlet (.java) files. You may find them in:The jsp:getProperty and jsp:setProperty in either page operate on the bean in the most restricted scope, starting with page,request,sesssion and application.