nikunj jariwala

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since Apr 14, 2010
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Recent posts by nikunj jariwala

Hi Guys,
I cleared the exam with 90% marks. Thanks to K & B book. I read the book cover to cover at least 5 times. There was nothing on the exam which was not covered in the book but still you need to solve a lot of practice questions to clear the exam.

Some important things about the exam:
1. Each chapter has equal weightage so don't give a chapter more preference over other.
2. Don't expect the exam center to be quiet. (going last on the day might help. I was the first one for the day and lot of people were coming in and going out in the middle of my exam.)
3. I wasn't able to review drag and drop question. The software was giving a warning that if I try to review the question then I'll have to re answer them which was really frustrating.
4. Process of elimination really works.

Can anyone tell me when will I get the actual report from Sun?? Also, should I go for SCWCD?? Can you suggest reading material for that?

Nikunj Jariwala
13 years ago
Hi Guys,
I have my SCJP 6.0 exam tomorrow. Any suggestions on what to do before, during and after the exam ???
Nikunj Jariwala
its between 60%-70%. is it good enough? how tough is the exam as compared to the mock exam that comes with the book?
I have read a lot for this exam but still feel low in confidence. Anything to boost my confidence???
Nikunj Jariwala
I have my SCJP 6.0 exam on 25th of april. Any suggestions on what to do for last minute revision??

Nikunj Jariwala
I'll keep updating the page. Its so easy to forget these easy concepts. Any ideas how to not forget them???

Nikunj Jariwala
I am taking the exam on 25th of this month. I was trying to say that these are points which are hard to remember but we need to remember them.

Nikunj Jariwala
Sorry, but its hard to put it in order. I am just adding in those points which are hard to remember ( and very useful for the exam).

Nikunj Jariwala
The HTML took the generics as HTML code. I have fixed it now.
Thanks for pointing it out.

- Nikunj
I'll keep adding stuff to this page as I prepare for my exam.

Nikunj Jariwala