Gopal Duvvuri

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since Apr 14, 2010
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Mohamed Mabrouk wrote:Hi

I would like to share the following tutorial which is meant for preparation for the test 664 (SOA fundamentals),it's posted on developerworks and it's written by me.

The tutorial is built on the objectives on the exam, and contains a compilation of different resources. Though not meant to be used as a single reference, it represents a single stop compressed summary for the subjects needed for the exam.

Hope you find it handy and please contact me if you have any questions about it.

[ November 12, 2008: Message edited by: Marc Peabody ]

Great writeup Mohamed... your tutorial really helped me to an extent to achieve Test 669. Can you/anyone have any tutorial or guidelines to clear Test 000-667 - Architectural Design of SOA Solutions? I am planning to start preparing for this test. Any suggestions or guidelines will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance