Hey Sonir : You prepare for your college exams now thats more important, as always now you know how to approach the SCJP, you have done a good job 55% probably have lost in a whisker. Do not lose heart ... come back with a bang later do not stay out of touch with Java also, mean while code small snippets which increases your confidence. Take Care -A
Hi Guys : I just completed exam, i would like to thank all the participants, moderators, owners of this WONDERFUL!! site. I would say if u get avg of 70-75% in JQ+ then you would be ready but watch out lot of thread questions.I got 100% in I/O. BTW i got 76%!!! -Once again Thanks [ January 25, 2002: Message edited by: Arsho, Ayan ]
Hi Sonir : write it this way i=0;j=0;k=0 counter will be 0(1) i=0;j=0;k=1 break's out i=1;j=0;k=0 counter will be 1(2) i=1;j=0;k=1 break's out i=1;j=0;k=0 counter will be 2(3) i=1;j=0;k=1 break's out i=2;j=0;k=0 counter will be 3(4) i=2;j=0;k=1 break's out So the answer 3 will be printed. Hope this helps -A
Hi All: I am just trying to implement this statement in JLS
If the keyword this (�15.8.3) or the keyword super (15.11.2, 15.12) occurs in an initialization expression for a field of an interface, then unless the occurrence is within the body of an anonymous class (�15.9.5), a compile-time error occurs.
and my question is, can a anonymous class have a interface declarations and we can have a usage of 'this' and 'super' keywords. If it doesn't make any sense, don't bother replying.
its very simple 1) what does this result in System.out.print(str.substring(0,3));
It will result in Hel since starting point is 0 and count upto 3 characters(remember the first element in indexed 1)
2)System.out.println(str.replace('r', 'h')); after this is executed there is no match and the same string is retturned so it is Hello refer to API for more details. -A
Sonir : Use a IDE for writing programs, you will know which to use and which not to. There is a Textpad available freely, which you can write small programs and run it easily. -A