Prasad Krishnegowda

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since Apr 25, 2010
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Excellent programming skills in Core Java, JEE Technologies( Servlets, JSP, JMS, Java Mail, Web Services) and Java Based frameworks like Spring (Core, MVC, Security, Web Service), Apache CXF, Hibernate and so on.
Expertise in the telecom domain, from the network layer till the OSS Layer, Specialized in EMS/NMS Applications. Have experience working on the legacy networks (SNMP, TL1) and also the SDN enabled networks. Working on OpenDayLight Controller and the NETCONF Protocol.
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Bangalore, Karnataka , India
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Recent posts by Prasad Krishnegowda

Can you post the server logs after adding the beans..
8 years ago
The solution is mentioned in the thread, he was using JDK1.8, so solution was to upgrade Spring to version 4.x

If you are still facing any error after this, please create a new thread telling all the details and appropriate error messages.
8 years ago
I hope you are familiar with Hibernate and now you are trying to integrate Hibernate with Spring Framework. If so, check out the spring's official docs for Hibernate Integration
8 years ago
No, I have not tried that link, that is a 6 year old article. If you are learning Spring and Hibernate, i would recommend you to start from the recent release, for instance, the article you are referring is based on Spring 2.5.x, where as the spring latest release is 4.3.1 and so many things have changed from the 2.5.x release.
8 years ago
Run mvn clean install -X and show us the result. As the error indicates, it means, the dependency is not resolved, we can get the actual reason, if we use -X option.
8 years ago
Can you show us your log file, with DEBUG enabled for spring classes.
8 years ago
Change the Request Mapping in the controller, i.e @RequestMapping(value="/greeting") to @RequestMapping(value="/greeting.html").
8 years ago
Yes, but you need to tell us more details, first has i said, tell me what happens currently, is it going to default url page?
Also, post spring security logs with DEBUG enabled.
9 years ago
what is happening currently?
Is it going to your default-target-url?
9 years ago
There is always only one Root element in XML and this cannot be changed.
can you explain your need to have 2 root elements?
9 years ago

It gives HTTP Status 404, The requested resource is not available for both the urls.

Ok, so the problem is with Spring configuration only. What is url-pattern you have configured for Spring DispatcherServlet in web.xml?
9 years ago
what happens when you directly invoke, http://<host>:<port>/<contextpath>/frontController.htm/sampleMethod directly from the browser, do you see a 404 page? and what happens when you invoke, http://<host>:<port>/<contextpath>/frontController.htm?

I know JSTL/EL can't work on HTML pages. I tried using $location of angularjs to get context path. but $location is also coming as null, while loading of the page.

First, location should be accessed using ${location} not $location, again are you expecting this to work in .js extension file. If yes, sorry, it wont work, you need to embed the script in JSP file itself, or pass this value a parameter to JS function from JSP file.
9 years ago

Swapnil Dubey wrote:
1. When I run my application the index.html(created using angularjs) declared in welcome-file-list of web.xml is getting opened. But when I click on submit entering some details. it is not forwarding to either controller or to the path I defined in @requestMapping. I've got stuck and I don't know what exactly I am missing.

where is the control submitting? what do you see in the URL? show us your index.html page also

Swapnil Dubey wrote:
2. I am not getting the context path in my html page which I could easily by EL or JSTL in JSP. What should I do to get the context path considering I am not going to use JSP at all.

You are expecting JSTL/EL to work in HTML (.html extension) file?
9 years ago

javax.faces.FacesException: #{}: org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: classhiber.Utilizador

From your other classes imports, i see, that you package name is Classhiber, here you give classhiber, it is case sensitive, its a best practice to have package names in small letters, so change your package names accordingly.
9 years ago
can you show us your complete log file and CustomerService class.

May be customerService.findByEmailAddress(s); throws an exception or userFromDb is null, and trying to print toString on an null object, throwing NullPointerException.
9 years ago