Mwahyu Indriyanto

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since Apr 29, 2010
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Recent posts by Mwahyu Indriyanto

Dear All,
sorry, look like I still don't get it the different between flex and java. Anyone can tell me what is the different? and what is the advantage of using flex? how it configuration?
please forgive if there is my stupidity in this case cause I'm not up to date about it.

Thanks folk.

14 years ago
HI All,
can you tell me how to connected two databases with different configuration but using it together in one application when we are using java EE. Which one should I use two layer or three layer? how I configure that? I still confuse how to setup it. Or if there is no way to handle it, will you tell me what databases should I choose to get maximum performance in using database.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,
Cameron, may i translate your book to Indonesian language? so Indonesian people can have a reference using hibernate in java.
14 years ago