Richard Golebiowski

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since May 05, 2010
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Software Engineer with rich and varied experience designing and developing a wide range of software applications including stand alone desktop applications, client-server applications, and web applications. Experience in developing applications in medical, financial, natural resources and education fields. Possesses strong work ethic, ability to work cooperatively, and exceptional ability to tackle the most challenging problems
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Recent posts by Richard Golebiowski

Redirects go to actions, not JSP pages.
11 years ago
In Struts it is possible to edit in a table and submit. I have a shoet blog post here where I explain one way that I've done it.
11 years ago
I agree with Paul. The session is made for this and it's easy to do. Othere ways that I can think of to save imormation aside from the session would be to use a database or to save the information in hidden fields in the web page.
11 years ago
You seem to be mixing things up. First you say tabs, which is client side, then you say session, which is server side. Are you talking about saving data on the client side or server side?
11 years ago
Two things:

1) If you use a static method you need to enable static methos access in Struts.
2) Check out this post
11 years ago
I have some sample code here on populating a select box list using jQuery, AJAX, and JSON. My project is using Struts 2, but this code can be easily modified to work in Struts 1.
11 years ago
You need to return the ID value so IMHO you have two options. Replace the submit tag with an action tag or handle the click event on the submit tag to call the action and return the id value.
11 years ago
Why are you submitting the form using JSON instead of just submitting the form?
12 years ago
1) The message error is obvious. It cannot find the getter for "listMovie". I don't even see where you have "listMovie" defined. Is it defined and made public in "ShowElencoAction"?
2) You don't do an array of forms. You need to do an array of "Movie".
12 years ago
This simple question is being buried in semantics so let me state the scenario as simply as possible. In a web page I display a list of records. The user clicks on a button that says edit. The server serves up the edit page to the browser. The browser displays the page for editing the record. The user edits the record and clicks on a button that submits the edit record information to the server.

What is the next page that the server sends to the browser?
I have a coworker that says that the "standard" says that the server should display the list.
Is their any design standard or standard for best practices that states that when a user clicks on a button and submits the data to the server that the result from the server has to be the original list or can I just keep the user on the page that he is editing?
By "close the form" I mean to exit the form and return to whatever the page was prior to the form be opened. What I'm doing is presenting a list of records. A user can click on a button to open a record from the list to edit it. One of my colleagues said that the "web standard" is that the edit form should be closed and the list displayed when the user clicks the save "submit" button. I'm trying to confirm if that is true or not.
By "Save" button, I meant the submit button. The button says "Save", and the action is submitting the form data. I was told that the "web standard" is to submit the data and close the form, but I cannot confirm that. I looked atW3C but did not see anything saying that that is the case.
Is there a web standard that says that when the save button is clicked on a form that the form is submitted and then the form should close?