Pascal Lochmann

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since May 06, 2010
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Recent posts by Pascal Lochmann

It compiles without problems, just not work. (No effect)
13 years ago

Brendan Healey wrote:Try this:

[Edit: sorry I just saw that you're using JSF 1.2 and couldn't comment on whether this is
valid on that version but it's got to be worth a go - good luck]


No, luck with that at JSF 1.2! This would be the solution i searched for. Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.

Tim Holloway wrote:Usually, a third-party SSO means that you're using container-managed security.

Container-managed security doesn't signal logon events and it doesn't route to a "welcome page". For the first case, that's because you might have logged in hours ago onto a different application on an SSO system, and that state will then apply to all other apps until you log out. For the second case, I happen to like it because it allows me to bookmark secured pages.

However, allowing for those limitations, you can do what you want and the easiest way is usually to use a servlet filter.

When a request comes in, after it's passed container security, it goes to the servlet filter. The servlet filter can then check the HttpServletRequest user ID against a stored user ID in the HttpSession. If the HttpSession doesn't exist or if there is no user ID stored in it, this is the user's first attempt to access the app after login. If the HttpServletRequest userid is null, the user isn't logged in yet.

In the case of first-entry detection, you can test to see which role(s) the user has and select the appropriate welcome page. The servlet filter can then redirect to that page in the usual way.

The problem here is, that i need the jsf-bean, which calls services to get more data, to decide what pages should be forward to. I could retrieve the faces-beans in the filter like mentioned in this blog ( ). It's a working solution, so thanks for your post.
13 years ago

i have a simple Problem, but i don't see the easy or "right" solution.

I need to navigate a User for the first page on condition of is role/rights!

The user is authenticated by a third-party SSO and is navigated to my application. The follwing code is what i want to do:

Possible things i tested are:

- A phase listener (Seems much overhead for ONE call)
- Sending to a gernic welcome-page and manipulate the response (ExternelContext->redirect)

None of this solutions "feel" right! Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!

(JSF 1.2)
13 years ago
Hello Tim,

thanks for your reply.

I already have message-elements for the inputs. (And it works)

Nevertheless the users/ my costumers want this feature...

13 years ago
Hello Everybody,

i have a really simple problem and didn't find a working solution - it drives me mad!

If a ValidationException/ConversionException is trhown by my validators/converters the regarding <input> -element in the page must be changed e.g. the background-color is set to red or style-class "invalid" ist set.

How to accomplish this? (Solution must work for InputText-Elements in a table)

Best Regards
13 years ago