Vijay Shrivastava

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Recent posts by Vijay Shrivastava

I would like to display a bitmap (.bmp File) on a jsp page. Servlet is able to read the BLOB from databse and byte stream is written successfully to response.

But at the jsp side nothing get displayed.

In servlet code I have done the outstream.flush();
and res.flushBuffer();
Also stream is closed.

I have tried both following ContentType

At present I am not trying to convert the format to any other but would like to display as the raw data read from the database. Is there any issue in not doing conversion and trying to display bitmap image?

Any suggestion is appreciated.
20 years ago
I would like to display a bitmap (.bmp File) on a jsp page. Servlet is able to read the BLOB from databse and byte stream is written successfully to response.

But at the jsp side nothing get displayed.

In servlet code I have done the outstream.flush();
and res.flushBuffer();
Also stream is closed.

I have tried both following ContentType

At present I am not trying to convert the format to any other but would like to display as the raw data read from the database. Is there any issue in not doing conversion and trying to display bitmap image?

Any suggestion is appreciated.
20 years ago
I want to obtain the IntialContext in a standalone Java class from the Tomcat which is running on port 8080 on local m/c.
When I try something like this
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
Context ctx = new InitialContext(ht);
It gives error Cannot instantiate class: What should be passed as parameter when Intial context is to be abtained from Tomcat outside the webapplication( not in servlet or JSP page)?
21 years ago
I thought deliverable can be shared. Anyway I deleted the post... I don't want to devaluate the certificate, neither do I intend to share my solution.
For understanding Part II Pattern you should buy the exam and get the jar file of assignment. It is an assignment to complete the Architecture where you have been given 4 use cases, one domain model and some business detail in the form of Interview.
You have to draw UML diagrma for classes in your solution, Component diagram for components in your solution, Sequences diagram for use cases and give all the assumptions for your solution.
In part III you have to jutify your design desicion and patters used in design etc.
Hope it helps.
[ July 31, 2002: Message edited by: Vijay Shrivastava ]
Well IMHO Computer Science Degree plus SCJP should do good. Specially lot of companies and placement agencies filter resume based on degree.
I saw your score 100% for part2 and 3 congrates for dream score. I have a question for you, as you have mentioned in your earlier posts that you have submitted a simpler solution. Did you submitted the component diagram with coarse-grained components or fine-grained components.
I am working on part2 and are planning to follow your approach simple solution. I planning coarsed-grained component diagram?
Just curious--am I the only one in the JavaRanch "I Want to be an Sun Certified Enterprise Architect" universe who thinks that UML is a profoundly silly waste of time? I can't believe I have to study this nonsense.
IMHO it is UML which is the key of successful development of large enterprise applications. Specillay if development is done in distributed environment.What else could be used for teams spread across the globe, where language could also be an issue, team communicate with models. I have found balanced use of UML result in increased productivity and reduces communication gaps within team. I would say one should go for it and choose appropriate set of diagrams from the UML based on project complexity and team structure.
Comments made by others on this forum is analyzing petstore helps and even you can design your solution based on petstore design. Same time it is not required to have deep understanding of petstore for passing the exam, you can have your own design completely different from petstore.
I am in early stage of my prepration, my feedback is based on my about 20 hours interaction of PetStore. Petstore is helping me in visualizing some sceneario and to reuse some concept (patterns) in my solution of part2.
That's great so you are all set...Good luck for prepration.. I am using TogetherJ for my work.
[ July 22, 2002: Message edited by: Vijay Shrivastava ]
Search in this certification forurm, there are earlier discussion about UML tool. Those discucssion will get the details about various UML tools and options you have. You can use Visio2000 with some extra efforts.
Answer is it is used with both web servers and application servers.
DNS Round Robin is used with the Web Servers when there is n WebServers clustered environment. Any http request from the load balancer can be forwarded to one of the servers based on the round robin logic.
It is also used with application servers when J2EE components (like EJB) are deployed on the cluster of multiple servers and scheduleing algoritm is round robin. The client request for a j2EE component reference (home interface) will be directed to one of the application server based on DNS algorithm.
[ July 19, 2002: Message edited by: Vijay Shrivastava ]
Well every individual has different prespective when preparing for exam. I see this an opportunity to learn new areas and read few good books one always wanted but somehow could not do it. Specially GOF book on patterns is an excellent source one should consider reading it, if objective is to learn in depth patterns (which is not required for exam but required for an enterprise archiect). Exam Guides are very helpful in narrowing the scope of reading material for exam prepration. But they also gives less depth of subject due to very focused contents (prepration for exam). So it has it's benifit and limitations.
Please go through
and UML distilled book you will get good understanding of it.