fabio alonso wrote:I have a panelgrid (with radios) that tells me two columns, with a description and the other with values
I am needing to make bold the chosen line, tried to do, but as much as I could, through the studies was to leave in bold spmente of the columns.
Problem is that he is leaving so the description, the column values is not bold, tried to modify the javascript several times .. but not worked ..
Do you know where I can change more to solve this?
Below the code that modifying the standard description, missing values also change
Anyone know how to solve?
Tim Holloway wrote:I can't give an instant answer, since I don't fully understand, but I think I can help.
First, your top 2-3 lines of jQuery code are using the "$" notation, This conflicts with EL syntax in JSF, so you need to use the "jQuery." form instead.
Secondly, the common behavior that most JSF datatables provide by default is a "hover' style, where the color and/or other attributes (bold font, for example) are done as part of the row class definition and thus the appearance will change as you roll the mouse up and down the table. If you want a "selection", you have to do more, since in basic JSF there isn't actually the concept of a "selected row". I don't remember if Tomhawk supports one or not.
Brendan Healey wrote:One strategy I've seen mentioned is that you can run InnoDB & MyIsam in some sort of a parallel setup, just
storing the ids & data you need to search on in MyIsam. Very interesting to hear that they've got something
going into 5.6 for InnoDB, it sounds like waiting a bit is going to be easiest. There's also a product called
Sphinx that gets mentioned alongside Lucene for this sort of thing.
Tim Holloway wrote:Try RichFaces or IceFaces, then. They'll do AJAX under JSF1.
Tim Holloway wrote:JSF runs on HTTP, and HTTP's design, regardless of the framework or programming language used, is limited to request/response. When using input controls such as radio buttons, the request has to be part of a submitted form. Technically, therefore, a button cannot "call" a bean method. In fact, even "Submit" buttons don't actually "call" anything. What they do is submit the form and JSF parses the incoming data as part of its lifecycle processing, firing the control's action method (and/or notifying action listeners) as part of the lifecycle process.
Briefly, then, in order to emulate an interactive GUI desktop-style radio button action, you can't use basic JSF because it's based on basic HTML/HTTP.
However, you can use AJAX to get the desired behavior.
What you need to do is attach an AJAX request to the radiobutton. That AJAX request would then fire a backing bean method which would use the current value of the property named "codigo" to setup the updated display values. On return from the AJAX call, the changed parts of the page are re-rendered using the updated values from the backing bean.
How you handle AJAX depends on you. In JSF2, there's a new ajax tag, but a number of the third-party extension tagsets also provide AJAX services, and several of them work under JSF1 as well as JSF2.
amit punekar wrote:Hi,
The simplest and basic way to do this as below :
1) Post the data that needs to be added to the database
2) You can either choose to post to a JSP or Servlet if you are using plain JSP-Servlet architecture (MVC 1 or 2)
3) In the JSP or servlet invoke the corresponding method of the class that does the task to insert the data in database.
<a href="<c:url value="download/send?" >
<c:param name="arquivo" value="${row.file}"/>
<c:param name="pathname" value="${row.path}" />
<img src="images/pictgure.jpg" width="20" heigth="20"/> </a>