Guna sekar

Ranch Hand
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since May 18, 2010
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Recent posts by Guna sekar

Yes.I am using jquery datatable. As of now I have done like,I will go to the controller and do some actions and while loading jsp, called server side processing and this will be an ajax call. So now there will be 2 request one that comes from controller and the other return from ajax.I want to make it to one request at the same time I need to do ajax..
I need to load the data using Jquery datatable.. Also I am using server side processing. Now on load of the page I need to get the data for mentioned cache size(suppose cache size is 2 Pages and per page is 10 records and total records is 50).now if I click on page 3 then it should go to server side.on load of the page data should be done in one request.
Hi Bear,

Thanks for your reply. Is there any other way?
12 years ago

Please let me know the design patterns used in Spring 3.0
12 years ago


Please let me know the design patterns used in struts 1.x
12 years ago

Need to know the differences and advantages of ibatis over hibernate?

An application has drop down which is to be displayed in all the jsp pages. Values for the drop down should be fetched only once(ie DB hit should be only once). Is there any other apart from keeping the list in session?
12 years ago
Why there are exceptions of two types - checked vs unchecked exceptions?
12 years ago
what is the difference between comparable and comparator? Suppose if you want to sort an object based on two criterias( say name, id) based upon user input, how do we implement it? which one should be used? which is better?
12 years ago
Why non-static variable cannot be accessed from static variable?. Is it because, inside Static methods we cant get the exact instance of the variable?
12 years ago
I m creating div dynamically. In EDIT mode, if the value is in DB, then a field in the section will be checked and based on that next section will b eavailable. My problem is when i uncheck the checked on in EDIT mode, i m setting div.innerHTML=''. But when i check the same again, i m getting error like div is null but the div is present.

Anyone help me in this?

i have a list which contains a list of VO' the VO there are arraylist in it. When i submit, i m not able to get the arraylist values inside the VO.

<logic:iterate id="cVO" name="cForm" property="cInfoList" indexId="id">

<logic:iterate id="sublist" name="cVO" property="cMist" indexId="id">


I need to get the values inside the list id="sublist".

13 years ago

In the column name i need to display without link -- I want the sorting for a column but i dont want that underline for tat name. is it possible?

Suppose if i have the data in the table, and when i delete some items, it should show the stay in the same page

When i move from 1 page number to another, it is doing the last action. In the requestURI, i have given as "/". so it is calling again the last action whatever i did. suppose if i have table with data, i perform delete operation, it is calling again and again, when i move from 1 to2,1to3,2to3,etc
13 years ago

i have written a display tag properties file for a display table and i placed the properties file inside src. I m planning to utilize the same for another display table in another jsp file. But it is not taking that properties for this jsp.

Please help me in this.
13 years ago

i have written a display tag properties file for a display table and i placed the properties file inside src. I m planning to utilize the same for another display table in another jsp file. But it is not taking that properties for this jsp.

Please help me in this.