"every other hour" means "every second".
Source:EJB 3.1 Specification
Source 12.1.3. Running the Example Program – Declarative Scheduling
OCP JavaEE 6 EJB Developer Study Notes by Ivan A Krizsan Version: April 8, 2012
@Schedule(second = "20, 45", minute = "*", hour = "6-23",
dayOfWeek = "Mon-Sun", dayOfMonth = "*", month = "*", year = "*",
info = "MyTimer")
private void scheduledMethod1(final Timer inTimer)
scheduling collisions are resolved by GlassFish by creating a new instance of the stateless session bean and invoking the timeout callback method to be executed next on the new instance
A2 When executing StatelessSession2Bean, the principal is changed from johnny to runas-superuser. At this point, the role of the user is changed from plainusers to runasadmin
Source: EJB 3.1 Specification Timeout Callbacks for Programmatic Timers
A.All timers created via one of the TimerService timer creation methods for a particular component use a
single timeout callback method. This method may be a
i)method annotated with the Timeoutannotation
(or a method specified as a timeout method in the deployment descriptor) or
ii) the bean may implement the javax.ejb.TimedObjectinterface.
B.If the bean implements the TimedObjectinterface, the Timeoutannotation or timeout-method
deployment descriptor element can only be used to specify the ejbTimeoutmethod
Source:11.3.8. Changing the Invocation Security Role
OCP JavaEE 6 EJB Developer Study Notes by Ivan A Krizsan Version: April 8, 2012