baskar krishnan

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since May 19, 2010
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Recent posts by baskar krishnan

First of all, thank you Josh Lang for writing this book and answering my several questions on Spring issues.

My question is, how Spring's Reactive is different from RxJava and Java 9 with Flow?
5 years ago
Now big data has every ones attention. What is the stand of Java 8 on big data ? Is it a bit relaxed, leaning back and waiting for alternatives to Moores law ? I mean there is not much improvement in processor speed (lately) for home computers other than mulicore.
Is there any better concept introduced in and around threads, memory/cpu utilization, collections that can help big data solutions ? I would love to learn about chapter 6 and 10.
10 years ago
Unit testing has been a real challenge ever especially when someone needs to work a lot around legacy code, mocking, not-to-hit-database etc. Many times I had to reinvent the wheel to write test programs while working in those areas. Is there any new idea introduced in Java 8 ?

10 years ago
Hi all,
I am trying learn with a simple Spring 3.0 and richfaces 3.3 application. But I do not have clear picture on either. I could get them working separately. But I find it
as nightmare when I start integrating together. If somebody can give me any sort of inputs like tutorials, sample app etc, It would be a great help. Thanks in advance.
14 years ago
If anybody has SUN voucher valid till September 2010 for sale, please contact me via email or pm.
Thanks in advance.
14 years ago
I am new to springs and want to learn from scratch to latest stuff in springs. I found the book "Spring in Action" is good. But there are differences in contents of 2nd Edition and 3rd Edition. Could someone give idea that which one suits best for whom by looking at table of contents ?

Spring in Action, Second Edition

Spring in Action, Third Edition
14 years ago